The Entenman family owns the Fargo Harley dealership mentioned in this story;

A former Harley-Davidson of Fargo employee says he was let go for buying a lower-priced motorcycle of the same brand from a different store than Fargo.

One of the store’s owners, Jimmy Entenman, did respond, but only to say the store can’t comment on any human resources or personnel matters.

I’m sure Jimmy was relying on that couple hundred dollars in commission to go towards his margarita fund during his month long family Mexican vacation.

It seems Jimmy is a chip off the old block. When I worked for a small printshop in the early 90’s, Jim got mad at us for not printing and mailing his newsletter in one day and told our manager to ‘fire all of us’ for refusing to do it. Nevermind it was a flood coat black ink that needs at least a day to dry before folding, tabbing and mailing.

Even I was a little captivated listening to Jim in his interview with Patrick Lalley yesterday (2nd Hour).

Than I realized he has been a salesman his whole life, and it came to me, ‘Tell the client what they want to hear’.

Jim has had a successful career running a monopoly Harley-Davidson dealership in Sioux Falls for decades, he’s done well for himself. When you own a monopoly your product sells itself. If you wanted to buy a new Harley locally, he was the guy you went to.

Jim has brought those sales skills to Carnegie as a city councilor, he sold the public on an Events Center and a BID Tax. I will say this, I agree with the BID tax, I don’t agree that the mayor wanted to pilfer it for his tennis center.

Jim showed his skills once again on Lalley’s show selling himself to the public and basically giving the answers to the questions he knows the listeners wanted to hear. Huether was famous for this on the campaign trail, famously telling some voters he was a Republican (when he was asked if he was a Republican by a Republican).

The smoke was sure pouring out of Lalley’s studio yesterday. Good thing Stehly was on first and got out of there before the fire was stoked.

Jim started out by saying he wants to serve 8 years. I find this hard to swallow for a few reasons. First, there has been a strong rumor circulating he is a 4 year placeholder for Huether to run in 4 years. But even if that may or may not be true, Jim couldn’t even serve a second term on the council (in which he spent a month each year in Mexico). If he can’t even handle more than 4 years on a part time council, what makes you think he is an 8 year mayor? I don’t believe it for one second. I don’t even think he wants the job, that was evident from his lack luster announcement press conference and hiring someone to run his FB page. I don’t take issue with having a campaign manager helping you out, but if you can’t even post on your own FB page, you have many more issues that I can’t even go into here.

Jim also believes the Events Center has boosted sales tax revenue in our community. While I will state the obvious that we have gleaned maybe a couple million a year in beverage and ticket sales taxes, the EC certainly isn’t the cash cow it was promised to be. Jim’s justification that this was true was the fact the state was behind from last year on sales tax collection yet the city was flat, and since we haven’t been behind like the state that means it is helping. Jim must have really long arms because he really had to pull that one from the deep crevices of his ass.

Jim also changed his tune about the EC’s secret settlement now saying he “Would not have handled it that way.” Yet just a few short weeks ago he was defending the mayor and the administration. He must have realized it was a very lonely place to be when you were the only mayoral candidate out of 8 to support the mayor on something the Supreme Court said was illegal.

I don’t think Jim’s interview style will change much over next few months, he has a bill of goods to sell, and he’s gonna hard sell it to the end. Don’t get to enamored with all the chrome and loud pipes. Just like the bikes he used to sell, all show and no go.

SIDE NOTE: I also found out who is assisting Mr. Entenman on his campaign, and I had to chuckle. This campaigner also helped Huether in his last mayoral campaign, and that was about their last big win. They recently lost in a big judgeship run and last November assisted numerous Democrats in legislative campaigns in which I believe every single one lost. In fact their assistance was so disastrous I think many in the Democratic party have blacklisted them from helping with any further campaigns. I tried to warn a couple of the candidates, but I guess they learned the hard way.

While I am not going to endorse any mayoral candidate until the runoff (and maybe not even than) There are two candidates I would NEVER vote for, TenHaken and Entenman.

It is no surprise that Jim would defend the guy who officiated his daughter’s wedding, by putting the red herring out there that we ‘may’ save money by keeping settlements secret. The only other person who agrees with this silliness is Rex Rolfing, who ironically is the one to point out publicly that the siding looked like crap, and doesn’t give a rat’s ass that we now will have more expensive runoff elections (his idea);

“Now we need to sit back and say, ‘Could we have done things better?’ and then let’s move on,” said Jim Entenman.

“There’s gonna have to be a lot more digging into — do we go into negotiated settlements or not? Or do we go into court cases? Which is the best use of the citizens’ money?” said Entenman.

This isn’t about money Jim, this is about open government, transparency and a lying loser of a mayor. Jim’s statements above should be enough to dissuade you from voting for him. In fact he was the ONLY mayoral candidate to defend the secrecy.