Kermit Staggers

You may be gone, but never forgotten. Dr. Kermit Staggers, 1947-2019

You probably read the news reports I’m sure by now that Kermit passed peacefully in the night. I’m not going to rewrite all the things the news has said about him, but I did want to touch on our friendship and somethings I learned from him. I first met Kermit when I had an issue with the SFPD. I was told to call him, so I did. It was probably a 45 minute conversation where I did most of the talking, he listened (something he was very good at) and a couple of days later I got a letter in the mail from the city attorney telling me the issue was resolved.

Kermit did this for people all the time, listened to their concerns, took note, and tried to help. He was always very humble and modest about helping others.

I could never figure out when people would say to me, “I don’t like Kermit, he seems grumpy.” I would always ask them if they ever have met him, and I would introduce them if they wanted me to. There was a lot of people who didn’t know the truth about Kermit because the Argus Leader, headed by Randell Beck launched a smear campaign against him for years, and years. I was surprised he never sued for libel on some of the things Beck concocted.

Here some things I always took away from knowing Kermit;

• Always steadfast in his beliefs. Sometimes this can get criticism, but it is a sign of a true leader. Figure out what you are going to do, and do it.

• Never swore or said bad things about anyone.

• Honest.

• Very funny. This is something that a lot people didn’t know about Kermit. But he had an incredible sense of humor when it came to politics.

• Kept his faith private. Kermit told me once, “Never trust a politician that wears their religion on their sleeve.” AND “My faith in God is between me and God.”

• Always encouraging. Kermit always commended me for blogging, even when we disagreed on issues.

There will be many more stories in the coming days honoring him. Please feel free to leave your memories of Kermit.