Kristi Noem

City of Sioux Falls Tidbits


I was told they got between 500-1000 sigs, which surprised me, because I didn’t think they would get that many. I truly believe if Sioux Falls voters were polled about keeping the collection 80%+ would say they don’t care if it gets given away. Which is unfortunate because science and art are important, not to mention we are giving away a priceless collection of mounts. But people care more about the price of eggs and who wins an Oscar then they do about history.


It seems Noem now is calling Dakota Skab ‘Fake News’;

Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem‘s legal team hit a South Dakota media outlet with a cease-and-desist letter demanding that it correct and end its knowingly “false and misleading” reporting that Noem allegedly racked up hundreds of thousands of dollars on a government-issued credit card when she served as governor, Fox News Digital has learned. 

“On behalf of former South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem in her personal capacity, I write out of concern that your website continues to publish false and misleading information about my client that you have known to be false since at least July 2024,” an attorney representing Noem in her personal capacity said in a letter to the co-founders of a South Dakota outlet called The Dakota Scout. The letter was obtained by Fox News Digital on Thursday. 

“Specifically, your website repeatedly, and inaccurately, refers to all charges on credit cards used by the Office of the Governor of South Dakota as charges of my client—allowing a conclusion by multiple commenters on the site and other news outlets that my client violated the laws of South Dakota or stole taxpayer funds for her personal use,” it continued.  “We demand that The Dakota Scout immediately cease spreading these false, misleading, and inaccurate statements and take immediate and significant steps to correct past inaccuracies.

Reading a FOX news story is like reading a 7th grader’s book report, either way, when I have read all the stories about her hair and nail receipts it seemed clear to me she was spending the money on her staff. But that is NOT what is in question, the question is why were you racking up these CC bills so your staff could travel with you? The taxpayers of SD shouldn’t have to foot the bill so your Trump ass-kissing entourage can parade all over the US. I’m sure the DS will fight this, but Noem’s law firm is pretty tough at this stuff. I think it would be ironic if the suit bankrupts the fledgling paper and the county commission, city council and school district have to grovel back to the Argus to print their legals. I’m sure the Argus would be happy to oblige, but I am guessing under a whole new rate.


At the council meeting Tuesday night I spoke during public input (2:20:00) after Jordan Deffenbaugh spoke about the lack of policy leadership and transparency of the current council (47:30). I also told the council they need their own outside counsel (law firm) to write policy and they should put a line in next year’s budget for the expenditure. I knew it was going to be 8 yes votes. First off, because the council is extremely predictable and when I texted councilors to please vote no, I got no response, so I knew how this was going down. They act like they need unity on all votes, you don’t. I told them solving the problems of the city doesn’t take unity between councilors and the mayor it is about solving problems and sometimes you have to vote NO and start over. Many constituents including myself know this was cooked up by the mayor’s office and not dropped in councilor’s laps until the Thursday before the meeting, and let’s just say they weren’t happy about it. If I was them, I would have all voted NO and told the mayor that they will come up with a better solution within 30 days. Grow a sack already council.


I received a postcard in the mail recently from Habitat for Humanity asking me to apply for this program. Someone asked me how I would have received this. I said, I worked in direct mail for 30 years and you can buy a list for anything. So I am sure they purchased a mailing list that had homeowners in a certain income bracket, and that would certainly be me, LOL. While I appreciate this program, it had me thinking, why isn’t the city mailing out postcards for their similar program thru the Feds of community development loans? The premise is the same, help with needed home repairs. There is a reason we had to but a fence around the Dud, there is NO affordable housing in Sioux Falls and the places that are affordable are falling apart.

Noem, still the ‘dumbest person on earth’

I’m glad to see Noem is keeping the title of ‘dumbest person on earth’ even with her new horse riding position as Chief Stetson wearer of DHS;

During a visit to a library that straddles the border between Canada and the United States, Department of Homeland Security secretary Kristi Noem reportedly stepped from one side to the other while declaring the northern nation “the 51st state.”

The Trump administration official’s move comes amid increased tensions between the two countries due to the president’s decision to threaten tariffs and attack Canada’s sovereignty.

According to the Boston Globe, Noem was in Derby Line, Vermont shortly after a United States border patrol officer was shot dead in the line of duty nearby. She decided to pay a visit to the Haskell Free Library & Opera House, through which the border runs.

The library’s executive director, Deborah Bishop, told the outlet that Noem “stood on the American side and said, ‘USA number one,’ then she crossed the line and said, ‘the 51st state’.”

“She did it at least three times and was very clear in saying, ‘USA number one’,” Bishop added, “and didn’t even say ‘Canada,’ just, ‘the 51st state’.”

Staff said the performance made them “angry,” accusing Noem of bringing partisan politics into a space dedicated to unity.

I’m surprised she didn’t burst into flames when she picked up a book and tried to read it.

Noem’s proposal to cut public broadcasting by 65% is a FASCIST MOVE

It is no surprise and figured she would cut it because Trump plans to cut PBS. Things took place like this in Germany not to long ago.

Public Broadcasting is fantastic. I listen or watch public broadcasting several hours a day, radio and TV. I haven’t missed a Newshour in over 5 years. Fifty minutes of worldwide news without commercial interruptions.

The bias on PBS is so minimal you wouldn’t even notice it.

This is a fascist move, many dictators throughout time know that killing the media or CONTROLLING it is in their favor.

I will say when I first heard about this, I was pretty pissed, but not surprised. FASCISTS like Noem have figured out in order to control the narrative you must own the narrative.

If Kristi and Trump kill PBS it will be the first step in controlling the media, they already have plans to buy up the news media thru private ventures.

If you think getting unbiased news now is hard, wait until this takes effect.

Kristi? What do Trump’s boots taste like?

Hide Fido (by Andy Horowitz)

I coined Noem as the ‘Palin of South Dakota’ when she ran for the state house, seems I nailed it;

America: meet your new Secretary of Homeland Security. She’s Trump without the empathy.

Gov. Kristi Noem of South Dakota is best known, of course, as that woman who shot her dog and bragged about it. But that’s far from her most appalling achievement.

Last April, I wrote a TBR Sunday Read for paid subscribers in which I recounted Noem’s manifold horrors. As a public service, I am now making that post free for everyone—and thanks, as always, for supporting my work. —Andy

Noem first won election to Congress in 2010, when the Tea Party ushered in such other luminaries as Marco Rubio and Mike Lee. (Christine O’Donnell, the Tea Party’s Senate candidate in Delaware, flamed out amid allegations that she was a practicing witch.) Though not a card-carrying Tea Partier, Noem courted the group’s members, who enjoyed brandishing protest signs featuring Barack Obama with a Hitler moustache.

Noem in 2013, before her extreme MAGA makeover.

During her early years in Congress, Noem seemed like a garden-variety right-winger, but after the 2016 election she heeded the call of opportunism and became an angry drunk karaoke version of Donald J. Trump—much like her partner in toadying, Elise Stefanik. But Noem hasn’t tried to be as sociopathic as her death-cult’s leader—she’s tried to be more sociopathic. And her success demands that we stand back and marvel.

Consider, for example, the two politicians’ speeches at the NRA’s annual meeting last year in Indianapolis. “With me at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, no one will lay a finger on your firearms,” Trump vowed, drawing predictable applause. Noem, by contrast, shared this nugget about her one-year-old grandchild, Addie: “She already has a shotgun and she already has a rifle and she’s got a little pony named Sparkles, too.” Kristi’s homespun yarn about her granddaughter’s lethal weaponry brought down the house—because, as everyone knows, the only thing that stops a bad one-year-old with a gun is a good one-year-old with a gun.

It’s also illuminating to compare Trump’s record in office with Noem’s—specifically, during the pandemic. It was hard to outdo Trump, whose leadership mainly consisted of urging us to ingest bleach, but Kristi managed. In 2020, she scorned the warnings of scientists and invited bikers from across the country to a motorcycle rally in Sturgis, South Dakota. At her beckoning, half a million pathogenic hosts arrived on their thundering hogs. Steve Harwell, whose band Smash Mouth entertained at the superspreader event, whipped up his audience by shouting, “Now we’re all here together tonight. And we’re being human once again. Fuck that COVID shit.”  

Alas, fucking that COVID shit came at a price. “South Dakota took the lead for the worst COVID state in America and the third-worst mortality rate in the entire world,” The New York Times reported. According to a National Institutes of Health study, the post-Sturgis outbreak jacked up health care costs by as much as $8.7 billion. Bizarrely, Noem crowed about her management of the pandemic at the following year’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). “I don’t know if you agree with me, but Dr. Fauci is wrong a lot,” she said, earning a standing ovation. Fauci was probably astonished to discover that there was a Republican politician dumber than Rand Paul. (Of course, the pandemic wasn’t the first time Kristi demonstrated a masterful approach to a public health crisis. In 2019 she unveiled a new anti-drug slogan for South Dakota: “Meth: We’re on it.” Since you might be thinking that I made this up, I am offering visual evidence below.)

The most hilarious thing about this slogan is the (TM), which suggests Kristi was worried some other state might try to steal it.

Now let’s explore a playing field where Trump has been the undisputed champion: misogyny. It would be tough to compete with a man who’s been accused of sexual misconduct by more than 25 women and who was found liable for abusing one of them in a department store dressing room. But give Noem credit for effort: While still in Congress, she was one of the few women to vote against the 2013 reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act.

As governor, Noem has been a passionate booster of Trump’s assault on women’s reproductive freedom—because, like all people who want toddlers to have firearms, she’s extremely pro-life. But here, too, she’s strived to be even more dystopian than her role model. Not content with South Dakota’s near-total abortion ban—which permits the procedure only to save the life of a pregnant woman—Noem threatened to prosecute pharmacists who sell abortion pills. She called their use “very dangerous medical procedures” and warned that “a woman is five times more likely to end up in an emergency room if they’re utilizing this kind of method for an abortion.” Unfortunately for Kristi, revealed that she was misquoting statistics from a study that was later discredited and retracted. Like Trump, Noem is a multitasker, managing to be both anti-abortion and anti-fact.  

Noem flaunting her familiarity with the cinema of Leni Riefenstahl. (Mandel NGAN/ AFP)

There is one category of sociopathic achievement, however, where Trump leaves Noem in the dust: the art of the grift. With half a century of fraud under his belt, it would be unreasonable to expect Kristi to have fleeced as many suckers as he has. But she’s off to a promising start.  

In March, she posted a five-minute social media video praising a dental practice in Sugar Land, Texas called Smile Texas, which she claimed helped beautify her gubernatorial mouth. The video struck many as weird, not least because, though Noem has helped rid South Dakota of abortion clinics, it still has plenty of dental clinics. Wasn’t it a little fishy that she travelled a thousand miles to have some Texans zhuzh up her teeth? A consumer advocacy group called Travelers United thought so. They sued Noem in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, accusing her of posting an “undisclosed advertisement.” Noem has yet to hawk sneakers or Bibles, but if she’s turning a buck from her public office she’ll feel right at home in a Trump administration.

Still, Kristi must answer the question that faces any budding Trump impersonator: does she have her role model’s talent for spewing hate? Box checked. She’s devoted the first few months of 2024 to spreading vicious claims that South Dakota’s Native Americans are neglecting their children while harboring Mexican drug cartels. Outraged by her comments, all nine of the state’s federally recognized tribes have banned Noem from visiting their reservations. Kristi, who touted South Dakotans’ freedom to move about the state at the height of the pandemic, is no longer free to set foot on twelve percent of the land she governs.

Clearly, she has the fear-mongering credentials required to be in Trump’s Cabinet. But has she done enough to prove her sycophancy? The answer is, “Hell yeah!”

On July 3, 2020, Trump delivered a speech at Mount Rushmore that was widely roasted for being racist and divisive. (“Trump’s Mount Rushmore Speech Is the Closest He’s Come to Fascism” read Foreign Policy’s headline.) Noem seized the chance to do some vigorous ego-stroking, presenting Trump with an extraordinary gift: a replica of Mount Rushmore with his head grafted on. In this mini-monument, Abraham Lincoln appears to be strenuously avoiding eye contact with the host of “The Apprentice.”

One of these things is not like the other. (Tom Lawrence)

I’d seen a photo of this nutty curio online so I emailed the photographer, Tom Lawrence, for permission to publish it. Tom’s a fourth-generation South Dakotan who’s been a journalist since 1978, and his family farm was just 25 miles from Noem’s. When I asked him to comment on the GOP’s rising star, he responded, “The fact that she is being strongly considered for national office is amazing—and a bit frightening.”

A bit frightening? I wish I had Tom’s talent for understatement. If the Senate confirms her as Secretary of Homeland Security, Kristi Noem will be the most dangerous person in America. And that includes the one-year-old with the shotgun.