Kristi Noem

Thune as Majority Leader, Noem at DHS and Heels as Lt. Governor!? God help us.

Seems Pitty broke some interesting news today;

Not making any assumptions, but if I had to pick a Lt. Governor, former Legislator/former SF City Councilwoman Christine Erickson would be on my short list as a “get.”

No surprise here, I heard her LOBBYIST job isn’t going so hot, so Christine is looking for an out. Lt. Gov is a full-time position. This would set Christine up for running for mayor, and since the governorship will end in two years, it would be easy to run for mayor. I guess there is worse people . . . 🙁

I was actually happy to see Thune get majority leader, I don’t think he will put up with Trump’s crap. I think you are going to see a ton of Republican lawmakers push back on the insanity, and now they control all 4 houses of government and soon the Federal Reserve.

One Trump Positive, Noem will no longer be our Governor, maybe

The rumor all along was she was going to be Interior Secretary, but once the ND governor started nosing around, it seems he will get that job OR Secretary of Energy.

Tapping Noem for director of Homeland Security is so comical I had to read it a couple of times and check a couple of other websites, it’s true. She has to go thru Senate Confirmation which will be entertaining to watch her explain why she kills animals in a gravel pit. She is also certifiably the dumbest person on earth. What does a barrel roping snot from Castlewood know about Homeland Security? Nothing. Just like all other major policy she is clueless. The POSITIVE is if confirmed (that might come down to one vote) she will no longer be our Governor. And once she is driven out of DC with all the other Trump clowns, I doubt she can be reinstated. Then we get Larry who will probably appoint his son to throw stuff at people. Just like Palin (who I have compared Noem to for decades) she will fizzle out like a Prairie Dog fart.

Our still in bed, hungover, local reporters have yet to break the news, I’m sure they are busy chasing a food truck in Mobridge.

As for the Popular Vote and Trump, notice he only got 1 million more votes in 2024 compared to 2020, it is Harris who failed to get the 10 million votes that Biden got.

2016, Trump 63M, Clinton 66M

2020, Trump 74M, Biden 81M

2024, Trump 75M, Harris 71M

Roads to nowhere and getting the panhandlers to behave

Well it’s Monday, and the let’s just say a lot of things run down the hill.


The rumor going on in Pierre is that our state auditor acted alone when he rejected giving the governor’s credit card statements to most ETHICAL, partisan paper in town. I guess he was advised that if he continues to deny the documents he could be on the hook for his own legal fees if the state doesn’t win the case. It is pretty obvious to me he is doing this under the direction of the goat killer. IMO he will release the information right before it goes to court, which could be months.


At the city council meeting tomorrow night, it is a short one, but they are busy coming up with new nuisance ordinances (that don’t solve the problem, only criminalizes loitering which puts the taxpayers on the hook for the justice costs) and they are going to still purchase the Riverline land with just a week delay. More trickery. I wouldn’t be surprised if they have a hidden agenda item that authorizes the sale of the Delbridge collection, because that will be a middle of the night sale that no one will no about until after it is inked.


No surprise, it is NOT a worthy project and is unneeded. This is what it has always been, a boondoggle for developers that started with Huether and has continued with TenHaken. Maybe the Feds don’t want to give you the money because not only is the project not needed but it is possibly being built on stolen land. There was a hold out during the Huether administration and I guess MMM threatened a property owner if he didn’t sell. This person was NOT a wilting flower and I have a feeling they filed a complaint with the DOJ. This is likely the reason the Feds aren’t giving the money, oh and our politicians in SD are kinda dumb, and crooked.


Besides the fact that our Police Chief looked like he just rolled out of bed at the latest presser, he tried to claim guns are getting stolen because of a sophisticated gun trafficking ring in Sioux Falls. Really? Is the ATF here helping you out with that? Give me a break. The problem isn’t some made up gang stealing guns, the problem is people are not locking their doors. Thum needs to lobby the council for better ordinances when it comes to stolen property, oh, and the cops need to actually investigate stolen property, it’s kind of part of your job. It would also be nice if you gave the public some information, ANY information at this point would be helpful.

Full of more crap than a Christmas goose

So I was thinking, maybe the solution to our goose problem is shipping them off to Springfield, Ohio? Just keep the residents away from our dog parks. Those folks would have a feeding frenzy. Oh, Donny, the stories you weave.


While a certain dynamic duo in town seems to have the governor on the run with her credit card statements I got a chuckle out of what this news organization(?) had to say about why they are doing it;


That’s rich considering these two hid investor information from the public when applying to be the legal newspaper of Sioux Falls, oh, and got the unethical council and SOS’s office in on your scam. Government SECRECY!? You make me laugh. Also, how do you combat ignorance? Ignorance is the lack of knowledge on any particular topic. So is this paper going to make the public more aware of the corruption in Pierre with their 4,000 subscriptions? I’m dying! Hopefully you will figure out what hair and nail salons Noem has been visiting these days. The public is DYING to know, just don’t give them the info in a gravel pit.


Well it was like Christmas for certain ad agencies in town last Tuesday at the City Council meeting;

Councilor Ryan Spellerberg brought two separate amendments Tuesday night – both of which passed unanimously and with minimal council discussion. One allocated $150,000 for a marketing campaign to encourage the public to donate to charities rather than to panhandlers.

Yes Kids, instead of actually taking REAL capital and spending it on bus tickets to help get these folks home or a street outreach program that picks these folks up at night we are giving the money to well connected ad agencies to tell us to NOT give to these folks. Talk about government ignorance!

With the recent closure of the Sioux City warming shelter we are in deep doo doo this winter. Instead of finding ways to ignore these folks, maybe come up with a plan for this winter, like NOW! I hate to say it, but I have a feeling we are going to be reading about a lot of homeless tragedies this winter.

I heard next week the council is going to fund a marketing campaign called, “Nothing to see here, move along.” it will be for discouraging folks to come to public input and public meetings.


Not sure this ties in, but I don’t care. The city wants to see the entire Delbridge Collection sold as a group. Like I said, could care less about a bunch of dusty monkeys in Lenin’s Tomb, but there is some historic and scientific value to the collection and we should save it. I think we are missing a massive opportunity here to build a very unique exhibit, but instead we have to make sure the Mayor and his friends make money building a convention center we don’t need. SHINY BALL, MUST TOUCH!