Kristi Noem

Put a Fork in Her

It was in 2009 when Noem was in the state legislature that I coined her the ‘Sarah Palin of South Dakota’. Little did I know at the time Noem’s political career would end the same as Palin’s.

The rumor all along is Noem wants the secretary of interior job if Trump get elected. Drill baby Drill. So while her elected positions may be done, she still may have a future in DC.

If Trump doesn’t get elected (I still keep telling peeps this is strike 3 for him, lost the popular vote in 2016, the popular and electoral in 2020 and he is going to lose again in 2024) she is pretty much over with. She will be some pundit on one of those right winger stations.

Did Noem use desk built by inmates as backdrop to Freedomworks Ad?

(Screenshot: Room for More Freedomworks Ad)

Governor Noem’s desk at Pheasantland Industries(Governor Noem’s desk at Pheasantland Industries)

Well, you gotta hand it to Ms. Fakey herself, filming a TV ad promoting work in South Dakota with a desk built by inmates as your backdrop. As Billy Bob Janks used to say,

“Warning. If you bring drugs into South Dakota, plan to stay a long, long time! AND learn new job skills!”

Not sure what Janks would think today, but I know what my late grandpa Carl would say about our Governor;

When God was handing out brains, she thought he said “trains” and asked him for a slow one!

Will Governor Noem apologize to Biden and the DOJ over claims of hacking?

It’s seems even Mr. HEIDELBERGER is wondering where the radio silence is from Noem and the supposed ‘hacking’;

Governor Noem has declined to comment on this dubious prosecution, but she made sure her taxpayer-funded lawyer, general counsel Katie Hruska, was in the courtroom yesterday, even though Hruska was not one of the prosecuting attorneys and even though Noem herself did not file the complaint that prompted this show.

So let’s review how adults handle situations like this;

• Dakota News Now did the right thing by terminating Mr. Goss

• The courts did the right thing by sentencing the case properly

• Mr. Goss did the right thing by apologizing to all involved parties

So my question is, will Noem do the right thing and apologize to the president and the DOJ for falsely accusing them of phone hacking?

Where you went wrong Mr. Goss is admitting ANY guilt. You just lost your street cred with the Pierre Country Clubbers.

Does this mean Smithfield’s will close?

I find all this posturing about China kind of ironic considering we allow a Chinese owned packing plant to operate in Sioux Falls and send product to China;

This legislation codifies Governor Noem’s Executive Order 2023-02 by restricting state and local governments from contracting with six “Evil Foreign Governments,” including the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Cuba, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

“It’s very clear that throughout history that when we do business with another country that it becomes a more friendly neighborhood,” said Noem. “We are doing an exchange and commerce with them, barriers break down, there is more communication and information with that country because you are doing commerce with them. When it’s a country we don’t like, we shouldn’t be doing business with them.”

So I am guessing once this law goes into place Smithfield’s will be closed? I also see Mayor TenHaken decided to put his two cents in about foreign policy. This guy couldn’t even pick a mural, and he wants to give advice on national security?