Kristi Noem

HOUSE DEBATE: Marking points out the obvious & Noem gives chickenshit answer of the day

As someone who was at the debate yesterday front and center, I can tell you that Stephanie mopped the floor with Noem and Marking actually impressed me more then Noem. If I had one criticism of Steffy it is that she acted a little ‘Staggers’ like when she spoke (knowing the issues but letting her passion overflow a bit). The confusion on Noem’s face throughout the debate was priceless. She seemed confused about almost every rebuttal Steffy had. Noem also answered every question the same way, “I have spoken to the people of SD about this issue, and it is important to them . . .” Blah, Blah, Blah. Don’t you have some moose hunting to do or something? Like I said, I was more impressed by Marking, but he is sort of a hypocrite, on many levels. He talks about smaller government and opposing socialized medicine, but he has sucked from that tit his whole life as former military man and federal employee. I got mine, so screw you I guess is his philosphy, but I did like this quote;

The independent candidate, B. Thomas Marking, blamed both major parties for creating the nation’s problems, arguing that neither Republicans nor Democrats are capable of fixing the mess they created.

No doubt. Our two-party system is a f’ing joke, thanks for pointing out the obvious. And as we expected Noem trotted out her Republican talking points (which I’m sure were written on her wrist with a sharpie);

“I want you to know that I believe the U.S. House of Representatives is the people’s House,” Noem said. “It is not Nancy Pelosi’s House.”

Good one. Dumb.

But where Steffy slammed Noem was on her non-stance of Social Security. It is pretty obvious that Noem supports privatization, but when you are facing a barn full of old people it is kinda hard to spit it out, so she took the chickenshit route and claimed she doesn’t have a stance;

Herseth Sandlin accused Noem of wanting to privatize Social Security and Medicare. She was referencing an Internet chat that Noem did in May with the Rapid City Journal. In that chat, Noem said she thought a budget proposal from Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., was a “great place to start and the right direction for this country to go.” Ryan’s proposal includes giving younger workers the option to put their Social Security into private accounts.

But in the debate, Noem said she had never taken a position specifically on privatizing Social Security.

Herseth Sandlin responded: “I have taken a position on privatizing Social Security. I stand firmly against it.”

This part of debate really separated Steffy from Noem and Steffy was the one smelling like roses after that exchange.

Post-Debate guest appearance.

This one is for Patrick

New polls show that Noem will beat Herseth-Sandlin because she has a bigger hair ‘bump’?

Not just a formidable political opponent, but big hair rockin’, barrel ropin’ barracuda. Growl.

The Argus Leader’s ONLY working journalist, Ellis had this to say about the matchup;

Both sides will try to pin the “extremist” label on the other. Democrats sprang into action after Noem’s victory Tuesday, calling her “South Dakota’s Sarah Palin.” The same statement from the party’s executive director, Erin McCarrick, called Noem an “extremist … who isn’t ready to lead and has demonstrated a troubling lack of understanding of the challenges facing our state.”

NO wonder I don’t like the Democrats anymore, they steal all of my quips. I’m waiting for the Herseth-Sandals Vacation campaign to start paying me under the table to skewer Mrs. Noem, think Jon Lauck and his slimy pro-Thune blog that he was getting paid under the table to author while working for the state at SDSU. Accept I don’t work for the state, and I’m not a slimeball, just a dick.