Kristi Noem

Another Republican busted in the act of socialist hypocrisy

Yeah, but, but, Steffy’s dad took money to

I saw this yesterday and got a good chuckle out of it;

State Rep. Kristi Noem, R-Castlewood, is a partner in the Racota Valley Ranch, which received more than $2.7 million in subsidies between 1995 and 2006, according to figures compiled by the Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit organization that compiles farm subsidy data. As of 2006, Noem had a 16.9 percent ownership stake in Racota Valley.

Even if you do the rough math, that is about $41,000 a year, directly to Kristi. Some South Dakotans don’t even make that in a year and she was getting a check from the Feds.

Isn’t it ironic everytime Repblicans like Noem wanna get a dig in on Dems, they use the word ‘socialist’. Next time you wanna go down that road, Kristi, take a good hard look in the freaking mirror.

South Dakota & Sioux Falls POLITICAL TIDBITS

It appears that former state legislator, Clarence Kooistra is considering running for the Sioux Falls AT LARGE city council seat left vacant by Pat Costello. I think Clarence is a fair politician, and I wish him luck if he decides to run.

Today on KCPO’s political comedy show, The FACTS(?) SD State Senate Assistant Majority Leader, Representative Kristi Noem was the guest.


She talked about balancing the state budget in 2010 while meeting with the Republican Caucus. Kristi was good at avoiding her stance on about 9 million issues facing our state during the show, but, she said something that stood out; one of the plans considered for saving the state money is lowering the poverty level so fewer people could qualify for state programs. While I agree we should work to give the poor a hand-up instead of a hand-out, I think this is a terrible time to be cutting food stamps and other assistance. Leave it to Republicans to F’ck the poor while continuing to handout useless million dollar contracts to private industry for everything from tourism to financial services.

The SD GOP needs to take a good hard look in the mirror and ask themselves, “Am I a Rat Fink?”

Just for the record

Not just a pretty face, but also a rabble rouser

I compared representative Noem to Palin, way back in the day; just read her BIO, funny stuff.

But Madville adds a little more to my original findings.

I find it extremely funny that a ‘retired farmer’ would take on Heidepriem. I agree with Kristi, he has a conflict of interest, but you may be barking up the wrong tree. West River vs. East River. This is just starting to heat up.

I thought the exact same thing

Although the constitutional amendment to allow large casinos in South Dakota has failed, I was telling someone yesterday that I suspected that either Heidepriem or Abdallah had an ‘outside’ force pushing them into it. Who knows if it was true, but apparently I wasn’t the only one putting 2-2 together. South Dakota’s very own Sarah Palin thought so to;

When the House State Affairs Committee rejected a proposed constitutional amendment on gambling sponsored by Senate Democratic Leader Scott Heidepriem of Sioux Falls, House Assistant Republican Leader Kristi Noem of Castlewood questioned Heidepriem’s motives.


Noem said Heidepriem’s law firm represents a client involved in gambling.


Heidepriem said he was stunned by the suggestion he would promote a measure out of personal interest.

I’m STUNNED a lawyer would think it unusual to question their motives. Give me a f’ing break.