Another Republican busted in the act of socialist hypocrisy
Yeah, but, but, Steffy’s dad took money to
I saw this yesterday and got a good chuckle out of it;
State Rep. Kristi Noem, R-Castlewood, is a partner in the Racota Valley Ranch, which received more than $2.7 million in subsidies between 1995 and 2006, according to figures compiled by the Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit organization that compiles farm subsidy data. As of 2006, Noem had a 16.9 percent ownership stake in Racota Valley.
Even if you do the rough math, that is about $41,000 a year, directly to Kristi. Some South Dakotans don’t even make that in a year and she was getting a check from the Feds.
Isn’t it ironic everytime Repblicans like Noem wanna get a dig in on Dems, they use the word ‘socialist’. Next time you wanna go down that road, Kristi, take a good hard look in the freaking mirror.