Lake Lorraine

Is Lake Lorraine really a Lake?

Seriously, I don’t know the answer to that question, and wondering if anyone can fill me in?

It all came about after brunch with a friend on Sunday, I was on a mission to find wall hooks (cheap) I finally just gave in at Lowes. So we drove around the Lake’s complex because I had not seen it yet. My friend says to me, “That’s a lake?” and wondered what qualifies as a lake, I told her I really didn’t know.

Does anyone?

The other part that I wondered about is if it is a lake will there be access for boats to fish on it and will people be able to swim in it? Or is it just for looks? I have heard rumors that boating or swimming in the lake is probably NOT a good idea because the family who owned it MIGHT have used it for a construction scrap dump. I have no idea if that is true, but I would be curious what is at the bottom of that lake.

I’ll await your answers.