Marc Murren

UPDATE:Pathetic Sioux Falls School Board Election turnout

UPDATE: Looks like Parker and Murren will be our board members.

As I predicted, turnout was awful;

Turnout: 5.13 %

6,133 registered voters cast ballots

119,511 Registered Voters for the 2021 School Election

Murren leads right now by a wide margin and will likely win one of the seats, the other is a toss up. I ended up voting for Parker as my 2nd choice.

Marc Murren is the best choice for the Sioux Falls School Board

In full disclosure, I don’t personally know anybody running for school board except the incumbent and I have not communicated by phone or email with any of the candidates.

The election is on May 18th and the Argus put out this handy little Q & A and BIOs.

I like the fact that Murren is a retired educator and coach. He also understands the importance of facing our biggest problems head on with input from our community;

What are the biggest issues you see facing the Sioux Falls School District today?
Murren: Poverty. Poverty creates great inequities for young people.

Nothing against the other people running, I’m sure they are fine folks but I like the life experiences of Murren and think that it is what makes him the most qualified for one of the two seats.

I may change my mind after watching the forum(s) but I think the first choice for school board is pretty cut and dry. Murren seems to realize our challenges, want to fix them, and knows the best way to do that is thru open and transparent governing.

I’m still mulling over who my second vote will go to.