The mayor spent 7 years blowing our money on every play palace he could, straddling us with debt for over 20 years, than today he presents us with the crumbs that are left.

Notice in 2013 we spent $68 million in play palaces, in 2017, $6 million.

DOC: CAP-2017

He didn’t seem ashamed one bit that he created this BOOMTOWN that lacks affordable housing, decent wages and has a soaring crime and drug problem.

Steve Hildebrand who helped anoint King Huether, and has since turned away from him, was on the Good Ship Lalley Pop show talking about a possible run for Mayor (I think he is blowing smoke) but he didn’t hold any punches against MMM. He said Mike concentrates too much on telling everything that is positive about Sioux Falls and doesn’t concentrate on the real problems facing SF, like poverty. He also ripped MMM a new one about how idiotic building the Administration Building was.

Does Lalley have a podcast replay?

Mike was on the B-N-B show this morning, and he mentioned that some ‘organizations’ have already reached out to him with job offers after he leaves city hall. Let’s all hope those job offers are in other states 🙂

Of course the conversation quickly went to ‘all about Mike’. After he admitted he didn’t care about other people’s grandkids (I’m with you man) they went into the tiresome conversation about what he will do next. Of course, we all know it is narrowed down to the Governor race. He spent very little time saying he hasn’t decided yet into how he would do the job as governor if elected as an indy. It was obvious from his speculation that he thinks South Dakotans would support an Indy for governor. I agree, but in a 3 person race, could he garner enough support to win? You could tell by how excited he got talking about the possible job as governor that he is ‘chomping at the bit’ to run for a statewide race. He said he would love to engage the other 66 counties in the state during a possible race. SO WHY NOT JUST ANNOUNCE ALREADY? I think once he finally does everyone will just give a sigh and say SHOCKER!

He also mentioned that in his presentation that he will give at 4 PM to the council that he cut $40 million from the Capital Program. Like I said earlier this week, doesn’t really matter because the next council and mayor will shred the proposal next year.

This of course is really just a big waste of time. Nevermind the fact that besides Mike’s VETO power, he really is just a lame duck. But it really has nothing to do with that. Sioux Falls mayors before Huether have had there capital programs squashed in their last year in office, simply because they won’t be around to see it to its fruition. Take that and the fact we could see 2-4 new city councilors come this Spring and any capital program Mike puts forward is pretty much just a very nice wish list, kind of like when your a kid and you want a new bicycle for Christmas and all you get is new underwear.

Lalley also talks today about his very dim political future;

It may also signal something greater: Maybe he’s done with politics altogether.

I realize that seems hard to believe.

Only Mayor Mike knows for sure – and maybe he doesn’t – but looking at the landscape it seems a distinct possibility.

The two-term Sioux Falls mayor can’t run for his current job again.

There just aren’t that many potential political spots out there for someone with his ambition.

Like I said recently, if Huether doesn’t announce something by the end of July, he probably won’t run for higher office and sit it out until the next mayoral election. I do think though that a guy with such a huge ego will take a shot at Governor. Guess we will have to wait and see.

UPDATE: There is also one more factor, Rob Oliver officially retiring and leaving Augie. I believe if Mike runs for Governor, Oliver will chair his campaign, or be closely involved with it. As I understand it, Oliver will not be done at Augie until July.

In a press release he said that the ‘dry cleaning is done’ and the ‘dishes are washed’. He went on to say that since he finished all his errands by the end of the day Wednesday, it will give him time to be fully prepared for the weekend.

“Not sure what NEW errands will arise come Monday, but myself and the good folks of Sioux Falls will be ready for them.”

Huether has also asked for privacy over the next two days before the weekend so he can truly contemplate and absorb the impact of getting his errands done early.

I came across this article by a fellow I don’t know when I was on KSOO’s site looking for Lalley’s new show about bicycling and other things.

I would agree with much of what he is saying;

So if the mayor is worried about $1.2 million shortage, wouldn’t it be easiest to cancel a pricey luxury item project like new playgrounds?

We live in a nice city. Our parks are great but they don’t need to be perfect. At least not right now, if this deficit is such an issue.

This project was probably planned and green lighted before the budget shortfall. But even without the revenue shortage this is still wasteful spending. If something is broke fix it, don’t replace it. I’m not even sure anything is broken.

Reminds me of the city council approving a new snowcat for Great Bear when the new one works fine (though it may need some replacement parts in the near future).

As I have often said good government, fiscally responsible government comes from COMMON SENSE. If we are having revenue issues, we don’t go out and buy things we don’t need. This of course comes from the person who puts the budget together, the mayor and his priorities. We have a NEW events center that already needs repairs and is closed for the summer, we have a NEW swimming pool that has low attendance numbers, and soon we will have a $25 million dollar administration building that we don’t need. None of these projects made any fiscal sense, they were all simply on the Mayor’s wish list. That’s it. And that is a bad way to run a city, especially it’s wallet.