It seems a little odd to me that a person who switched their registration to independent wouldn’t be out fundraising. If Mike doesn’t announce he is running for higher office by the end of July, it may be a little difficult for him to raise enough money to be competitive. I think both the Governor and Congressional races will probably run about the same campaign budget numbers.

While Mike doesn’t have to compete in a primary, I would think he would want to be out there running right now.

There is also a part of me that believes Mike when he says he doesn’t know what he wants to run for. Well, I kind of know what he wants to run for, another mayor’s term.

It could be something he could very well pull off. If Diamond Jim wins, he could easily resign within 2 years and leave it open for a special election (and giving Huether an early heads up). I wouldn’t doubt that Mike will endorse Jim.

In other news, Mike talks about his yellow stickie notes in his truck he writes down code violations. What a guy, not only is he so talented to run our city with business acumen, he has time to be our number one code enforcement officer.

He says the only people who complain about code enforcement are those that don’t follow the code, I would partially agree, but I also think that a good percentage of people who complain about code enforcement are also very aware of their property rights and the US Constitution, something the mayor has no clue about.

Shortly after the city council meeting last night I sent the city council and the mayor an email reminding them of the language of the 1st Amendment, I highlighted this part;

‘or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.’

Why did I send them this? Because after public input last night the mayor went on a diatribe about how he has been trying for six years to eliminate public input and has not succeeded (FF: 51:00). He said that it was not ‘productive’ and they shouldn’t have to listen to it.

What astonished me the most is that the mayor of South Dakota’s largest city has no regard for the US Constitution or the 1st Amendment. Pretty scary that a person who rules over a city of 178,000 people thinks freedom of speech at a public meeting should be squashed because ‘he doesn’t like it’.

Call a waaabulance! (but don’t call a regular one, it might not show up.)

In a little over 11 months this nightmare of closed government will hopefully be over for the citizens of Sioux Falls, and we can hopefully go back to ruling as a Democracy and bring a little sunshine back to city government.

In a very strange move, Mayor Mike, who just recently banned publicly hugging him, wants to be suddenly ‘transparent’ about his personal life by telling us about a jog he took last weekend in Fargo;

“Running certainly helps, but citizens lifting me up always prove more fruitful and memorable,” says Mayor Huether.*

In fact, the mayor’s communications person Haterr Hittadog, decided to send out a press release explaining some of the other things the mayor did in his personal life over the past couple of weeks;

  • Mowed his own lawn. He was heard telling the neighbor kid, “I got this.”
  • While standing in line at Milky Way he noticed a young colored child didn’t have enough for an ice cream cone, so the Mayor decided to pay it forward. It was Chocolate/Vanilla twist of course, to promote diversity.
  • Picked up an empty pop can at Falls Park and recycled it.
  • Navigated traffic on 57th street to help a mama duck get her ducklings across the street safely.
  • Gave up his parking spot at the Huether Tennis Center for a young family that was attending a youth BB game at the Pentagon. Mike said, “We don’t get a lot of Non-European mini-vans in the lot, but it should fit in the space okay.”
  • Helped to weed a community garden last Wednesday afternoon.

Hittadog went on to say that the mayor is going to start sharing more of his personal life on the city website. Huether responded by saying, “I guess if I’m going to start sharing my personal life more with my constituents, they are going to pay for that media.”

*Seems Mikey was a little chapped about my comment last Tuesday about “Going for 11 mile runs and hoping the problems go away.” Instead of running next time Mike, call a WHAAAABULANCE! That is if there is one!


Our mayor of all he thinks is back giving us lessons in storytelling or is it just more storytelling? We have another geriatric Shut-up and Listen session.

As the S&L session moves along watch where da mayor takes both mics so no one can interrupt or ask unwanted question? Is he afraid of these fine seniors he must control everything as his plans are asked about? Watch for it when he talks into both microphones during the chat with 103 year old Melba. The distortion is him talking out of both sides of his mouth? You be the judge?

Da mayor likes to remind everyone he is being open and transparent in his decisions such as when he discusses his new parking ramp idea. Well it really isn’t an idea anymore, he has already spent quite a bit of money on it (even though he says nothing has been spent). He has already selected his special partner (Legacy) to manage it even though he must have forgotten his February announcement presser (we didn’t). He has also hired the builder, the designers and the architects.

Gee whiz, what have we forgotten here? Oh yes, the City Council has not given the go ahead for it yet but are they just push-overs anyway so who cares, right? Besides, there is only one voter who matters in any of this building being built for the bonding agencies, da mayor himself. It appears da mayor is planning for a group of going away parties for April and May of 2017. He must get this ramp done to prove a bully can push one more enormous debt on the city books for the rest of us to pay for.

2 decisions made in 2007 must not be stopped before da mayor leaves office. Run roughshod over anyone or thing in his way before the exit door hits him where… Well you know.