Kinda sounds like they were strong armed. Why are people so afraid of the Unruhites? They are the butt of many jokes around our country. If Measure 11 goes down in flames, as I hope it does, it’s time to give them their walking papers. I have had it with them raiding our Federal treasury for abstinence education, which does not work, wasting voters time, and possibly setting taxpayers up for an expensive leagal challenge. If Leslee and crew want to fight this out in court, I say go for it, just don’t use my money.


Cindy Morrison, Sanford’s vice president of public policy, said Wednesday that “the concerns that were outlined in our internal memo remain concerns even though the VoteYesForLife folks were very thoughtful in attempting to alleviate those concerns.”

John McCain’s Debate explanation when Obama explian’s his voting record on abortion.

“Health of the Mother… this has been stretched by the pro-abortion movement to mean almost anything.”

Sound Familiar? Vote Yes For Life has been trying this angle once again, in claiming the exceptions for the health of the mother are clearly defined within Initiated Measure 11. They are really hoping you won’t read the fine print (or understand it).

But it seems clear to the lawyers for Sanford Health:

“The health-of-the-mother exception imposes a standard that is not clearly defined. Medical facilities and providers have learned, through the malpractice arena, that whether a physician’s clinical judgment comports with ‘accepted standards of medical practice’ can be a matter of debate. Initiated Measure 11 borrows the civil litigation standards, which can be ambiguous and subject to different interpretations, and attaches criminal penalties for failing to comply with the potentially vague, undefined standards. As a result, for those instances where a pregnant woman faces uncertain, but potentially very serious health risks, Initiated Measure 11 will require a physician to choose between possibly committing a felony or subjecting a pregnant woman to a higher degree of medical risk that what would otherwise be clinically desired.

Mr. McCain, with all due respect, no one is pro abortion. We all would like to see abortion to be limited, but until those trying to stop it (VYFL) do not do it in a truthful manner, and to contradict themselves in saying “All life is precious”, yet are flip about “the health of the mother”, you My Friend, are selling us lipstick on a pig.


I’ve heard a lot lately about how this nation was founded by Christian men and with Christian principles. Interestingly, our founding fathers (who were still running the government at the time of the following treaty) made sure to shoot this notion down in the treaty ending our first war on Islamic terrorists. Here’s some of the text from the Treaty of Peace and Friendship signed at Tripoli on Nov. 4, 1796:


As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion,-as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen (muslims),-and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan (Islamic) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries. 

Emphasis mine.

Why is this relevant?

Because increasingly, theocrats disguised as republicans and campaigning on “values” have begun trying to foist religiously-based laws on this state and nation under the mistaken belief that we are a Christian nation. In reality, we have no official religion, and the establishment of such an organization is expressly forbidden by our constitution – which was written, voted on, and ratified by our “Christian” founding fathers.

SIOUX FALLS, SD Today, the South Dakota Campaign for Healthy Families began airing a third television advertisement that highlights the unprecedented Government intrusion that will occur as a result of Initiated Measure 11.Under the abortion ban, the Government will have control over certain personal and private medical decisions ofSouth Dakotafamilies.

Proponents of Initiated Measure 11 would rather see these decisions made by big Government than by the women and families ofSouth Dakota, said Jan Nicolay, Co-Chair of the South Dakota Campaign for Healthy Families. The abortion ban would intervene between families and doctors and give the Government access to the medical records ofSouth Dakotans. It would criminalize doctors and put the Government in charge of determining appropriate medical care, said Nicolay.

The Campaign for Healthy Families is opposing the abortion ban becauseSouth Dakotansshould be able to make their own medical decisions without Government meddling.Though neutral in 2006, the South Dakota State Medical Association is also speaking out against Measure 11 as undue Government interference in the practice of medicine that would threaten doctors and patients.

The Campaigns new ad is entitled Government and may be viewed at the following link: