Medical Mary Jane

Opponents of IM13 display their ignorance

I’m no expert on Medicinal Marijuana, but I would think a couple of doctors would know better then to spread blatant lies about the plant. But hey, if I had to pick my opponents, these two clowns would top my list;

The rally also came on the same day that Allen Unruh, an organizer for a local tea party group, denounced the measure as a back-door effort to legalize pot, which he complained would lead to widespread laziness among users.

So what?! The legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes would be one of the best things for this country. We could grow it, tax it and stop the billions of dollars we waste on incarceration and law enforcement. We could also stop funneling money to Mexico in which people die everyday supplying us the product now. There are also other benefits. We could use hemp for clothing and burn it for energy instead of coal.

As for the laziness comment. LMAO! Some of these people can’t work anyway do to their chronic pain, it might actually help them to be more productive instead of less.

Unruh’s tea party group was host to a luncheon featuring Minnehaha County Sheriff Mike Milstead and state Rep. Blake Curd, a Sioux Falls surgeon, who spoke against medical marijuana. Experience in other states, Milstead said, shows that the number of so-called “patients” quickly mushrooms while the number of physicians prescribing marijuana stays the same.

Well, Mike, guess why that is? Because pot is affordable unlike chemically based prescription drugs that have extreme side effects. And guess what else. IT WORKS!

Curd noted that marijuana is not a regulated drug, unlike other drugs that doctors prescribe.

And that is what scares the shit out of big pharma. They can’t patent it, so they can’t make money from it.

Potency varies widely, and users don’t know how the drug was grown – whether a grower used pesticides or fertilizers. “I think you’re looking at something that doesn’t have a useful place right now,” he said.

Curd displays his obvious ignorance on this one. Cannabis has no natural enemies, in other words you don’t have to use pesticides and fertilizers to grow it. Unlike the food we eat. Where is his concern over all the widespread cancer that is probably due to processed foods and bioengineering of food plants? Maybe he should be fighting Monsanto instead of Marijuana?

Another good reason to vote YES on Measure 13 (H/T – Costner)

The silly war on drugs is another good reason to legalize marijuana;

In November, California voters will have their say on Proposition 19, which would make it legal to grow, possess and use up to an ounce of marijuana for personal use. And as that decision day draws near, a group of law enforcement insiders has come out in support of the proposition, saying it would free up the police to focus its efforts on more serious crimes.

At a press conference on Monday, members of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition explained their reasons for getting behind Proposition 19.

“I was a drug warrior until I saw what was happening in my own courtroom,” said former Orange County Superior Court Judge James Gray. He claims that passing Prop 19 would cut down the number of drug arrests made in California by around 60,000 each year.

To LEAP, all that time spent arresting Californians for pot possession could be better spent investigating murders, burglaries and the like.

Along with Gray was former San Jose Police Chief Joseph McNamara, who said that legalizing and taxing marijuana would be a huge blow to the massive drug cartels, which are are estimated to get around 60% of their money from illegal pot sales.

In addition to taking money from the cartels, taxes levied on legalized pot could bring in over $1 billion/year in tax revenue.

As for other law enforcement groups like the California Police Chiefs Assn., which opposes the measure, Gray theorizes that many of those involved are just putting on a good show because they have to.

“They have a political job, so they can’t tell the truth,” he said. “People are free to speak out honestly only after they are retired.”

Legalizing pot would free up police to fight violent crime, law enforcement group says [L.A. Times]

Vote Yes on Measure 13

Emmett Reistroffer talks about a ballot issue that would make medical marijuana legal in South Dakota as he mans a booth Wednesday at Dakotafest in Mitchell. Reistroffer says the issue is not one of politics but rather one of compassion for those suffering from illness. (Image; Chris Huber/Republic Photo)

There is a great story in the Mitchell Daily Republic about Medicinal Marijuana and Measure 13’s organizer, Emmett Reistroffer

“I think the compassion aspect of this is what’s driving our campaign, and that’s what South Dakotans relate to,” Reistroffer said. “South Dakotans are generally compassionate for the sick and dying. They just need to understand the logistics of the issue, so that’s what we’re working hard to do.”

Emmett will get this done. Guaranteed. Nice banner BTW 🙂

Back in the Saddle

Hello everyone:
Well, I made it through probation and now I can again say publicly that the Earth revolves around the sun. You can catch up on the medical cannabis proposition at
Emmett Reistroffer will be in Rapid City Thursday afternoon at the Summer Nights concert at 7th and St. Joe downtown. Emmett, of course, is the guy who, more than any other single person, is responsible for the fact that South Dakotans will be voting in November whether to allow sick, disabled and dying patients to use cannabis to alleviate their conditions.
South Dakotans for Compassion, the organization which includes Emmett as its principal officer, has a website you should visit.
Look for the table in art alley or in front of the Staging Grounds at 7th & St Joe.
Emmett has asked me to invite you to participate in the parade in Deadwood on Friday and/or Saturday as a member of So. Dakotans for Compassion. Please reply if you would like to do this. We’d like to present a group of people of all ages. We may be costumed by the Deadwood parade committee.
And stop by the SoDak Compassion table Thursday night at Summer Nights. Emmett has some suggestions on how you can help promote Initiated Measure 13, the South Dakota Safe Access Act.
Best regards,
Bob Newland