Mike Huether

Laugh of the day, Huether gets accused of acting like Karl Mundt

At the Shut up and Listen session today, a rather rambunctious older gentleman got quite upset with the mayor accusing him of not answering direct questions. At one point the man put his hand to his ear and said “ANSWER THE QUESTION!” Then he says, “You remind me of Karl Mundt, just spinning your wheels.” I laughed out loud. If there is one thing a SD Democrat does not want is to be compared to, it is Karl Mundt, one of the most corrupt and controversial senators SD has ever had.

I also intervened and suggested to the crowd they should vote NO on Shape Places so the council has a chance to fix it. I also told the mayor that comparing the EC and Indoor Pool expense to taxpayers to the bike trail isn’t an ‘Apples to Apples’ comparison, because one is FREE and one you have to pay an admission to and to remember that when voting. I also questioned him about the RR relocation and this supposed ‘Quiet Zone’ an audience member said he questioned Erpenbach about it, and her idea is to have the trains stop using their whistles DT and instead have gates that come down when trains pass over roads. While I understand her idea, I ask, “Who is going to pay for that?”

The mayor also went on a Drake Springs bashing tirade, and talked about how an indoor pool should have been built there (even though the aquatic consultant said that there is ground water issues at the site and would not be a good spot for an indoor pool). Most of the tirade was about how by voting for that site was bad because of the poor design of the existing pool. Well guess what Mike, talk to your Parks Department about that, because while I attended a public meeting about input for what the residents wanted, the city went and built what they wanted to without listening to the residents. They wanted a lap pool and never got it. Ask Stehly, she has said several times she had ZERO input on that facility and was never contacted by the city. Hopefully if Spellerberg wins, and they get another outdoor pool, the public will be able to suggest an appropriate pool for the area. I still like the natural filtration pool.

I will also have to give props to Commissioner Gerald Beniga, who runs Active Generations, where the event took place. He was watching from the front desk, and a question about the county safe house came up. The mayor asked if he would like to comment and Gerald said, “I’ll pass.”

UPDATE: Huether’s curious sign placement policy


I have heard from several people that the Huether campaign has been putting their plastic grocery bag signs in person’s yards that ‘might’ or ‘should’ or ‘could’ be supporters without permission. I have had a couple of them tell me, they were quite upset about it, others that are supporters, but were turned off by the fact they were not asked permission.

If we really want to split hairs, there are several laws that are being broke here. Trespassing and littering come to mind, better get code enforcement on this.

UPDATE: This must be a new trend in campaign materials, the candidate trash bag. Because when you think Mike, think trash.


More littering, or maybe this is just a way for Huether to suggest we clean up trash with his campaign trash bags, the fellow above caught on.


More campaign violations abound, signs on city property. How appropriate, in front of the business that got two feet of water dumped into them by a city fire hydrant.




Mayor Huether’s retributions are real (H/T – Coral Reef)

kid in corner with dunce

This is the kind of person that is up for re-election;

A Sioux Falls board that oversees more than $1.6 million in revenue will see a dramatic change in membership after Mayor Mike Huether declined to reappoint six of its nine members.

The Sioux Falls Convention and Visitors Bureau Business Improvement District oversees a $2 per night hotel fee that is used to promote Sioux Falls and bring visitors to the city. The City Council created the board in 2010 after hotel owners petitioned for its creation. The mayor appoints its members, which include hotel and industry representatives.

The board generated controversy last year when emails revealed that the mayor’s wife, Cindy Huether, was trying to find out if, legally, the Community Indoor Tennis Center, of which she’s a board member, could access BID money in its push for a new indoor tennis facility. Most BID board members and the founders of the BID argued the money could only be used to promote the city, and not for capital projects that included a new tennis facility.

But in an email obtained by the Argus Leader, Cindy Huether told members of the Community Indoor Tennis Center that: “I know three BID Board members that would be totally in favor of using money for these types of projects.”

The three members reappointed to the board were: Lee Howell, Shailesh Patel and Mark Wahlstrom.

Cindy Huether did not immediately reply to an email asking if those were the three BID members she referenced.

The article speaks for itself. Though I am sure the people not re-appointed were not too disappointed. I remember when I used to be a volunteer columnist for a popular SF magazine (still in print), and the publisher ‘fired’ me, because I called her out on censoring a by-line to a photo in one of my article spreads. I just laughed and said, “So you are firing me from volunteering my time?”

UPDATE: Is the mayor following election financial disclosure rules?

UPDATE: Watch the mayor take his ball and go home when questioned by KSFY about his financial interests. You can also see that the mayor has a family trust (DOC: Huether-trust) Makes you wonder how many of his ‘investments’ he is hiding in this trust.

Heck, even if I had decided to run for council, my financial disclosure would be longer.

The Mayor doesn’t even mention he works for the city. Maybe it’s a volunteer position? STOP VOLUNTEERING!

As I understand it, any dividends over $2,000 a year need to be listed from your investments, oh, and the names of those investments. My KFC comment card is longer.

I want to see the mayor’s birth certificate. (Stinky-Links)
