My three part interview talks about Dr. Boz, the overpriced medical systems and ‘Johnny Thune’. Sorry for the lighting, we filmed in Mike’s downtown loft.





I guess Mr. Myers has been throwing the idea around. I like it. Let’s admit it, he will pound Ironic Johnny on Obamacare, and the Healthcare industrial Complex. The one thing I would hope Mike considers is running as the Democratic candidate. Even this hardcore Indy would love to see him get party support.

Over the past couple of years I have gotten to know Mike. He is dynamic. I can’t tell you the amount of stimulating conversations we have had. His biting cynicism makes me jealous. His grasp of the issues is mammoth. I say, send the old man to DC.


So when Jason’s partisanship is called out, he calls it ‘Absurd and Pathetic’

Myers has described the secretary of state as ‘a hit man for the Republican machine in Pierre.’

“The secretary of state is used as a party to advance the interest of the dominant party,” said Myers.

“Absolutely not — that’s absurd and pathetic. That’s just the sad attempt of publicity,” said Gant.

“And you know what, I don’t like bullies. So Gant is the big guy up in front of all the bullies,” said Myers.

“The law is the law and I can’t change it. Mr. Myers can’t change and I have to follow it. If he doesn’t agree with it, that’s his concern,” said Gant.

Jason has time and time again used his position as a REPUBLICAN to advance his party, he has made anybody who isn’t in the Republican party follow a separate set of rules, he has raised gobs of money for the state party, he has even went as far to purchase equipment from companies that have donated to the state party (E-Poll books) and has even endorsed candidates. Now if that isn’t partisanship, not sure what is. This issue could have been easily accommodated, the AG could have went in front of a judge (in the absence of the law referring to Indy candidates) and asked for an exception for Myers and Hubbel, then instructed Gant to put them on the ballot. But instead, they must punish those who don’t ‘kiss the ring’ and make them go dig up attorneys. Gant and Jackley know who their bosses are, and it is not the citizens of this great state.


Independent candidate for governor, Mike Myers, told me yesterday that there is to be four scheduled governor debates with all three candidates. One of the debates to be on SDPTV was cancelled due to ‘scheduling’. Mike wonders if Daugaard bailed on the debate and this is why it was cancelled? Mike asked an even more perplexing question, “If Dennis can’t attend the debate, why can’t there still be a debate between Wismer and I?” Good question. The SD GOP is good at controlling the message in the media, mostly by not saying anything. Why not? It worked for Rounds in the primary race.

I also asked Myers about his Lt. Governor search. He said he is still working on it and is open to suggestions. He is not opposed to tapping a Democrat or Republican (He asked Lowe if he was interested) but will probably go with another Independent. He has until August 12 to submit his running mate.

Former Mayo-St. Marys CEO Mike Myers has accomplished a lot in his long life. Besides his work in the medical industry, he has also been a journalist, radio host, and, most notably, a Healthcare Law Professor.

At the young age of 77, Myers is now entering politics, challenging incumbent Governor Dennis Daugaard in next year’s election. Myers joins Scott Hudson and Scott Ehrisman to discuss his reasons for entering the race, and his plans for changing the economics and politics of our state. He also puts his foot to his forehead, literally.

Hudson and Ehrisman also spend some time discussing local issues, including the recent fight to keep a giant Wal-Mart out of a residential area, and the controversial use of TIF’s to help finance so many of our city’s building projects.

Rant-a-Bit can be found in the ITunes store, and can also be streamed on Hudson’s iPhone/Android app, The Ledge. Or, you can…


Both Scott’s would like to thank Dr. Myers for appearing on our show.