During the Minnehaha County Commission meeting, Jeff Barth cracks a funny after Mayor TenHaken addresses the commission on ‘working together’. TenHaken mentions he already has had lunch with Chair Heiberger and wants to meet with the rest of the commissioners and promises to come to joint meetings.

After his testimony, Barth says, “You have already tied the previous mayor’s record for such a (lunch) meeting (with Cindy).” In which the crowd busts up in laughter, and Cindy replies, “He has already broken the record by one.”

Remember Former Mayor Coors Light & Olives stopped going to joint county/council meetings early in his 1st term after he realized he wasn’t in charge at the meetings.

Audit Committee Meeting, 4 PM Monday

External Audit Results from Eide Bailly

2018 Audit Plan

RFP Auditing Plan

Joint SF City Council/Minnehaha County Commission Meeting, 4 PM Tuesday

Update on Siouxland Museums Enterprise Funds

Change orders for archive building

Helpline Center Community Program Trends

City Council Informational Meeting, 4:30 Tuesday

Wastewater agreements with Tea and Harrisburg

Public Facility Consultant study. Honestly, I read this 90 page report and I am more confused now than before I read it. A lot of mumbo jumbo about population and attendance. I wonder how much we paid for that monstrosity; DOC: SF-Facility-Study

Executive Session. I have no clue what this is about.

A Democratic candidate for Minnehaha County Auditor, Rose Grant will be running. Rose serves on the City of Sioux Falls Audit Advisory Committee, and has practiced as a CPA in Sioux Falls since 2000. She worked with East, VanDerWoudie and currently with her own firm Grant & Williams.


Funny how our Governor, Attorney General and County Sheriff have admitted to the drastic crime growth in our City and State but our own police department seems to be in denial;

The incredible addictive nature of Methamphetamine has led to a 50 percent increase in meth arrests here in Minnehaha County. Fifty percent in just three years.

Some Sioux Falls leaders deny there is a crime issue. Yes, some arrests are down, but murder, shootings, stabbings and assault are up. Failing to admit the problem helps nobody.

As citizens, we need to demand better. We need treatment for users, bigger prisons for dealers and help for mental health issues. That will cost money, but denial and early release put you and your children at risk.

When the country of Portugal changed their drug policy to full legalization and resources spent on treatment VS. incarceration they saw a drastic decline in addiction. Who figured?

The big news of the agenda is that the city finance office has finally released the December 2017 financial report (DOC:DEC-2017). The city ended up only 1.9% from the year before, with lodging having the highest gains of 2.2%.

City Council Informational Meeting

Two Audit reports, a review of end of the year financials AND a proposed renewal of Great Bear’s 5-year contract.

City Council Joint Minnehaha County Meeting

They will only be approving a change order for the archives building.