
I told Lorie and Tom they could have the night off.

Even though they can’t report until after 8 PM due to the time change, it will be interesting to see if the ballot counting goes faster for the primary election compared to the city elections. It will be the exact same precincts, but we will have to see about voter turnout. Bob Litz says absentee has been dismal so far, but it should take much to beat the city/school board election count of over 11,000.


I will keep an eye out once those appear on the city’s website to do a recap of what each candidate spent per vote. I’m speculating right now that Paulson will have spent the most per vote while Stehly will probably come in last.

Rex just doesn’t seem to get it, even when it is explained to him in simple terms. Right before the joint Minnehaha County/Sioux Falls City Council meeting, Rex and Commissioner Chair Cindy Heiberger were having a short conversation about public input before the meeting (they were unaware their microphones were hot).



For the most part, well over 50% of public input deals with property and individual rights which could effect them financially and their livelihoods.

Some one really needs to sit councilor Rolfing down and explain to him that in a democracy we are all ruled equally, with no special classes. If developers, pipeline builders and railroads are allowed to talk as long as they want about their projects, Joe Smith should be allowed to talk just as long about his garage expansion. Equality is one thing that makes our country great.


Check Please?

You’d think he had an emergency checkup with his proctologist, or a listening and learning session at the food court in the mall with the amount of zeal our mayor expressed at the county commission meeting yesterday (FF: to about 50:00). This is the same guy who would rather have a tube stuffed up his rear end instead of testifying in a court case, or not going to his own ethics hearing 100 feet from his office door. He is way to busy for such minor events. He did however have time to make an appearance yesterday around 10 AM at the County Commission meeting to testify as a proponent of putting more water into the sleugh he built his vacation home on (Diamond Lake). Amazing he could find the time with all the important things he has to do and all the important orifices in his body that need to be checked (by emergency of course).

I also found it ironic he had to chew out people for public input at 9:50 PM on Tuesday (like it was getting to late for grandpa Huether) but somehow he managed to stay at the Paul McCartney concert until 11:30 PM on Monday night.

We know what your priorities are Mr. Mayor. Clean butts and brown noses.