
A contractor in Iraq doesn’t like Obama, the left or Civil Liberties – big surprise!

We may never be safe again

A letter writer has been disapointed with Obama so far. Me to. He still has yet to start on an exit strategy from Iraq. Three of his appointments have had money problems and he just can’t seem to make Republicans happy (go figure). But this guy could care less about those things;

We we’re willing to give Barack Obama a chance, even the military veterans. But on the first day of his presidency, he decided to suspend Guantanamo war crime trials, outraging family members of 9-11 victims and making it difficult to get a conviction on these cases.

Well, Daniel, the prisoners are still there, and until we can transfer them safely to another secure location, they will stay there. We are not releasing them anytime soon.

Unfortunately, this is going to be the new precedent. I’m afraid our country is on a path of weakness, and we will not change our course until another Sept 11. Then we’ll toughen up for two years and then fall again, continuing our cycle of self-destruction and weakness in order to maintain political correctness and keep the American Civil Liberties Union happy.

First off, it was Bush and the right who failed us on 9/11. Bush was warned and did nothing. Secondly the ACLU is an organization that will defend ANYONE’s civil liberties, not just us on the looney left. civil liberties are very American, we continue to remain a FREE country because of them, not because of a lack thereof.

People keep asking why the military and veterans are scared of an Obama presidency and those on the left.

Better check the numbers, Obama received more of the veteran vote than Bush did in 2004. Who do veterans trust to keep us safe?

Obama’s message was clear when closing Gitmo; We don’t torture and we don’t treat our prisoners like the terrorists treat theirs. We are better than that.

Some advice to Obama; Tell the Republicans to GFT

Obama, I know you wanna be all bipartison and shit, but that only works when the other side actually has good ideas. Remember it was their party and president that put us in the crapper. Tell them thanks, but no thanks, we’ll take it from here.

Obama, please stop playing nice with the Republicans in Congress to pass your legislation. The country rejected conservative philosophy and turned to you to try and navigate us out of this economic Armageddon that we are facing.

I understand that you’ve promised bipartisanship and you’ve kept that promise. However, implementing the massive corporate tax cuts in your plan to appease the Boehners of the right is counterproductive.

About two-thirds of the $825 billion is reserved for spending and the rest for tax breaks. In the Republican response to the president’s address, Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio, the House minority leader, called for deeper tax cuts instead.

Of course Fairey didn’t take the photo. F’ing Duh!

You mean Warhol didn’t take this picture of Elvis!? The Shame, The Shame!

Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, where do I begin? As a fan of underground art (come look at my house walls sometime) and having a shrine to my hero, Warhol in my studio (there, I said it, are you happy) I have come to realize that everyone doesn’t understand copyright laws and ‘image borrowing’. Underground art is based on taking something that is mainstream and converting it to something original and anti-establishment. Something Fairey did with the HOPE Obama image. Underground art is kinda the thrift store version of fine art, just as beautiful and useful, but a lot f’ing cheaper. Though I am disappointed that Fairey hasn’t credited the photo, I’m also glad he didn’t. Why? He does not have to. Once you CHANGE something, it becomes yours. And that really is the essence of art. Creating something new, from something old. I would hope the original photographer would be joyous about it – not sure. But I will say this, Fairey’s version is a lot cooler than the original.

Steve, please stop trying to be an art critic and go back to something you are (kinda) good at, selling snake oil.

UPDATE: The press conference where the HOPE photo was taken was about Darfur and Human Rights, NOT abortion, as Mr. DooHickey would like you to believe.