
Itzhak Perlman & Yo-Yo Ma, the Milli Vanilli of classical music?

They decided not to play the real thing. They pre-recorded the piece due to the cold weather and it’s affect on their sound and instruments. But this stinks. Aretha Franklin did not sound her best, but most people understand what cold weather does to sound, and she pulled off the real deal. What bothers me about this is that Yo-Yo talked about how he was nervous about the performance a few days earlier. WTF were you nervous about? You couldn’t do your best Ashlee Simpson impersonation? On top of that, it does not look good for the Obama administration. First HBO censors a gay bishop’s prayer, than these guys lipsinct classical music, and when Obama decides to take the oath over, he does not allow in TV cameras and forgets his bible. All in a couple of days.

Here’s the deal, Barry, we elected you because we were tired of censorship and GW Bush. Live up to your promises, let’s be transparent. I can’t take another 4 years of this kind of bullshit.

FBI concerned about Abe Lincoln look-a-like snapping photos at inauguration

I guess Ironic Johnny is looking for new material when running for re-election.

“It doesn’t matter what your political persuasion or stripe is this was a very historic day, and you can’t help but appreciate what a remarkable thing it is and how far a country has come that we’ve elected the first African-American President,” South Dakota Senator John Thune said. 

And the ass-kissing starts today.