
Please explain to me how this is funny?

Okay, I’ll admit that I will laugh at just about anything, and it takes quite a bit to offend me. But this song about Obama just plain has me baffled. I first heard that pudknocker Rush Limptoad play it on his radio show. My first analogy was, I could see how blacks may be offended by the song, but it is so f’ing stupid I don’t know how it got this far. But like I have said several times in the past, conservatives don’t have a sense of humor unless they are picking on a minority. I guess the term comes from a Spike Lee Movie where someone is called a ‘Magic Negro’ if they come save their white friends, or something like that. But playing the Puff the magic dragon song along with it doesn’t make any sense at all.

I hope Obama can change direction in this country. But it’s going to take more than anything ‘magical’ to save us from what that idiot Shrub did to us.

Here’s a song we can sing to the Puff the Magic Dragon music, “Bush the f****** idiot who lives in Cheney’s A** . . .

Jello for Change

If you haven’t written your ideas for change in government on Change.gov yet, it’s time to get on the ball. Jello Biafra (formerly of the Dead Kennedys) beat you to the punch. Using nearly half to two-thirds of the government’s server space to spout off on the kind of change aging-punks-turned-spoken-wordsmith need, Biafra laid out what President-Elect Obama should do in his term as a President. I have a life, so I did not read it all, but here are a few highlights, most of which I agree…

  • Employ the assistance of willing Muslim volunteer nations (Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Yemen and Morocco) to police Iraq instead of our own troops.
  • Abolish torture in the intelligence community.
  • Undo any of the Bush administration’s signing statements tacked onto bills he signed in order to restore the rule of law.
  • Stamp out election fraud.
  • Limit political campaigns to between 30 and 60 days. Apparently some country to the north already does this.
  • End the war on drugs.
  • Economic stimulus to the people who need it, not corporations.
  • Give the auto industry a bailout when they produce greener cars.
  • More trains.
  • It goes on from here…

If you haven’t written your letter to Mr. Obama, you may want to get on it. Biafra has beat us to many of the best points.