
The March of the Sore Losers

I’m not sure if Barack Obama will make a great president or not? But shouldn’t we at least wait until he is in office before we start talking about his policy decisions? This letter writer is ready to take him down ahead of time.

Our country has elected a man about whom we know little to nothing. For one who campaigned on transparency, it befuddles me how we know so little about Barack Obama and his past.

HUH? Have you been living under a F’ing rock for the past 2 years? He has written two books and has been interviewed hundreds of times. Heck, go online and just google his name.

And this quote from Obama: “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

Every citizen has right to know who was just elected president and a duty to protect us from foreign terrorists.

Not sure what Obama’s objective is with the civilian national security force. But I would assume it would be similiar to a neighborhood watch group or the Red Cross. So don’t get your shorts in a bunch.

What is it with people and satire?

This shelter owner was upset that Obama used the word ‘mutt’. If you watched the speech, I think he was making a joke about his own ancestral heritage more then anything. I doubt a man who was endorsed by the Humane Society has any hard feelings towards shelter animals.

If you have a problem with Obama winning the election (which is obvious), write a letter about that instead but keep the ‘mutts’ you save out of the argument.

Are we going to have to hear this crap everytime Obama tells an ironic joke that some people don’t understand?

South DaCola art club w/Shepard Fairey

From Juxtapoz;

Our homie Shepard Fairey (Juxtapoz cover #82) has released a new print in conjunction with his other now infamous HOPE and PROGRESS Obama prints (y’know, the ones you saw everywhere) with the new celebratory phrase YES WE DID.
Political website MoveOn.org is selling Shep’s new posters, but for now they are already completely sold out. Hopefully more will be coming along soon but in the mean time, grab a free sticker from the site. Nothing feels better than a victory like this…except for maybe plastering YES WE DID stickers all around MCCain supporters.
More on Shepard’s YES WE DID sticker and (sold out) posters at MoveOn.org

Sweet Revenge Republican Style

It might not change the election, but it sure feels good paying back those who dissed this great nation by supporting Barack Obama. Actually, it’s the method which is so sweet Here’s what I do. I go into a local business or shop and gather up the items I normally buy…. and just before I ring up my items, I ask the owner or clerk…”By the way, did you support Barack Obama in the election?”

If they answer no, I go through with the purchase with my usual politeness.

If they answer Yes, I say…. “Well you must not need the money that bad if you’re willing to vote for more taxes, so I should probably shop someplace else.”

Yes, it takes some balls. But it feels great.

I plan to keep it up until I feel less depressed.

That could be another four years.
