
Is This Satire?

Obama thinks he is a good talker, but he is often undisciplined when he speaks. He needs to understand that as President, his words will be scrutinized and will have impact whether he intends it or not. In this regard, President Bush is an excellent model; Obama should take a lesson from his example. Bush never gets sloppy when he is speaking publicly. He chooses his words with care and precision, which is why his style sometimes seems halting. In the eight years he has been President, it is remarkable how few gaffes or verbal blunders he has committed. If Obama doesn’t raise his standards, he will exceed Bush’s total before he is inaugurated.


(Another) Cuckoo Bird Letter of the Day

I’ll have to admit, after reading this letter, I came to realize there are still whack-jobs out there that support GW Bush, our WORST president in the history of our country, unfckbelivable!

Congratulations to the Argus Leader, The Associated Press and other national media outlets on the historic victory of your candidate, Barack Obama. All of you must be proud, as it was one of your finest campaigns in our country’s history.

Yes, the media was bias towards Obama, I will agree with you on that. But I disagree on the reason why. Obama ran a positive campaign, so when the media did a story on Obama, it was a positive story. When they did a story on McCain it was a negative story, because he was negative. The campaigns controlled the message they wanted the media to cover, not the other way around, McFly.

For eight years, you have eloquently articulated the problems of our country and how each problem decidedly was caused by the Bush administration. Who can forget your negative war coverage and how you rallied many citizens against Bush and his evil oil-related policies.

Actually, brain surgeon, the MSM DID NOT do their job on the run up to the war, because if they would have, we would have seen the Bush administration was lying through their teeth. They went along with it, just like the lazy ass Congress did. This was an enormous failure by our media, and they have yet to apologize or make it right. The fourth estate has let us down.

Perhaps less noticeable, but equally effective, was your silence regarding our country’s current success in Iraq. Managing to bury Obama’s failure to support the surge and its resounding success perhaps was your finest hour.

Success?! First off, we shouldn’t have been there to begin with. Secondly, we would not have had to use the surge if we could have maintained security to begin with, and thirdly, the surge has only partially worked. It’s objective to end the violence has been successful, but the diplomatic part has been a complete failure. The Iraqi government is still in disarray. Why? Because we keep holding their hand. It’s time to push the baby bird democracy out of the tree and let them fly on their own.

My personal favorite was how quickly you and others set out to destroy Sarah Palin when her unfiltered convention address helped McCain surge ahead in the polls.

I’ll say this for the 900th time, She is dumber then jellied moose nose. She destroyed herself when she opened her mouth.

Cuckoo Bird Letter of the Day

Apparently if you voted for Obama, McCain or NO on 11 you are a murderer. That’s a lot of people;

“No, Barack Obama and John McCain are both child-killing socialists. ”

“This makes him a murderer by even the pro-choice definition of murder. Yet 170,884 South Dakotans gave him their stamp of approval in Tuesday’s election. Apparently, genocide is OK . . .”

I’m surprised weirdos like this know how to hold a pen. I think the Gargoyle Leader opinion page editors need to use their brains before printing this kind of crap.