
Waking up from the Neo-Con Nightmare

Almost at the end of Election Night Partying

I guess I really haven’t talked much about my excitement over the newly elected Obama. Though I was a Hillary supporter, I did get behind Obama in the final weeks and voted for him instead Ralph ‘Uncle Tom’ Nader (Thank Gawd!). Like I have said before one of the main reasons I voted for Obama was because he was the smartest candidate. I don’t want a president I can drink beer with. I want a president who will work hard. Which Obama has proven already by already organizing his team. He knows there is a lot at stake and he needs to work twice as hard as Bill Clinton did to get this country back on the right track. I also want to say that for once in our country young people, independents and Hispanic immigrants really decided this election – this is a good thing, it means America is finally waking up from the very long neo-con nightmare.

South DaCola Golden Pop-Bottle Award; Howard Dean

Howard Dean (my personal political hero) deserves this award more than anyone in the 2008 election cycle (sorry James Carville). He took the successful parts of his presidential bid campaign and applied them on a bigger scale to Obama’s campaign. He also proved his 50 state campaign strategy works. Even in the states Obama lost, he still won half of the demographics. And in Vermont Obama one every single demographic. One of the most important things Dean’s strategy proved was we must campaign to ALL Americans, Right, Left or center, we are in this together.

Bush and Rove divided our country and Obama and Dean will unite it.

I know Dean has been working silently behind the scenes during this whole campaign, but I think it’s time for him to gloat. Yeeeeeeeeeeeooooooooowwwwwwww!