
I wonder how Kristi feels about this?

Former Pressler staffer and staunch Neo-Con Kristi (Stewart) Golden couldn’t be too happy to here this news;

Former Sen. Larry Pressler (R-S.D.), who was the first Vietnam veteran to serve in the United States Senate, is the latest Republican to back Sen. Barack Obama’s presidential campaign, Politico learned Sunday.

Pressler, who said that in addition to casting an absentee ballot for Obama he’d donated $500 to the Illinois senator’s campaign, cited the Democrat’s response to the financial crisis as the primary reason for his decision.

“I just got the feeling that Obama will be able to handle this financial crisis better, and I like his financial team of [former Treasury Secretary Robert] Rubin and [former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul] Volcker better,” he said. By contrast, John McCain’s “handling of the financial crisis made me feel nervous” [Alexander Burns, “Former GOP Senator, Vet Backs Obama,” Politico.com, 2008.10.26]

On a recent episode of the FACTS(?) on KCPO Kristi said that McCain would win ‘in a walk’. I wonder what she thinks of her former boss’ endorsement?

H/T Madville

Sunday Shocker!

The Gargoyle Leader endorses McCain. This comes as no surprise. I argued with some of my contributors this week about it, a couple of them thought they would pick Obama. My argument for picking McCain? I know it seems cliche’ but the AL knows who butters their bread, and it ain’t liberal democrats – just read this statement about liberals (apparently boogie men to South Dakotans).

Sen. Barack Obama is a strong candidate and a compelling figure, but is a liberal Democrat by any measure. On many of the biggest issues facing the country, he simply is not the best candidate for South Dakota.

I always call a Argus endorsement ‘The Kiss of Death’. I guess Obama will win afterall.