
What, are you chicken? McChicken?… I know there’s a joke there somewhere….

McSame wants to postpone the debates? WTF?

If ever there was a time for Obama and McSame to debate and shed some light on their economic policies in front of the entire nation, it would be now. Our country is about to go belly up economically, and Johnny wants to hide in Washington. While you’re at it why don’t you print more worthless money to honor some dead guy we already know everyhting about.

What a waste…. I think the Feds should just say that everything gets rounded up to the nickel, and make pennies worth $.025… Stimulating?

Will there be cookies and punch?

This Saturday, September 27th, please join the Obama campaign at the grand opening of the South Dakota headquarters in Sioux Falls.

Come check out the new office, meet local staff and supporters, and help get out Barack’s message of change.

Here are the details:

South Dakota Headquarters Kickoff

234 S. Main Ave.
Sioux Falls, SD

Saturday, September 27th
2:00 p.m.

Though McSpain will likely win SD, the voter registration numbers are encouraging. SD Democrats have registered 13,000 people since August while Republicans only garnered 1,300. I guess the neo-con all-natural-day-counting- family planners are getting better and better at pulling out and having fewer sheep.