In fact, this hub-bub over moving district boundries is such a non-story, I will dedicate this post to OPEN THREAD.

“I think it’s important to know that this change is inevitable … and that the commission considered its work without regard to cultural, social or economic considerations,” committee member Joel Rosenthal said.

A blogger sitting on the commission? Hmmmmm . . .

Okay, I have followed government in Sioux Falls long enough to tell you it doesn’t really matter what district you live in, because as individuals our councilors are powerless under home rule. Besides okaying the occassional beer license or rubberstamping the planning commission’s recommendations they really don’t make any tough decisions, or should I say ‘well-informed’ decisions.

You wouldn't want people to this you're a Nazi, would you?

Even with the economy in the shitter, alcohol sales are up. I felt compelled to share one of my favorite sites on the internets  Modern Drunkard Magazine out of Denver. It was THIS POST about how to infiltrate the “drys” that made me chuckle.  So here’s to all you teetotalers out there making our lives easier by following through and picking up our slack. I tip my glass to you.. or more specifically… away from you.. and down my throat.