I guess the legislature figured they could kill two birds with one stone. Not only will kids be able to read about the moral high ground on their classroom walls if their parents don’t pay their school lunch bill they can just eat the 10 Commandments poster. I kid of course, but this article about failing to fund school lunches puts it in perspective. Since schools will be mandated to display the posters and ‘teach’ about the 10 commandments there will be incurred costs, and I can guarantee they will be well North of the $616K wanted and needed to help fund school lunches. I actually think you will never see one single poster in the classrooms because there will be a lawsuit and the law will be thrown out.
As rumors have been swirling about whether the former mayor will run for that position again in 2024 it seems the current mayor is busy re-instating his former administrators.
“It’s not just the lead city attorney, by the time he is sworn back in office, he will be fully staffed with with several of his former directors and administrators,” said the current mayor.
I guess I was a little curious how he knew he was even running again and that he would win.
“C’mon Man! Don’t you think it would be a little frustrating for newly elected Mayor Stehly to charge forward with her new administration using his staff? We are just eliminating the guess work for voters. If you re-elect him instead it will be a smooth transition as most if not all of his former staff will already be in place.”
The current mayor also mentioned he will be re-instating some other folks soon, but the list seemed incomplete;
The Former Police Chief, What’s His Name, the guy who hands out free food now.
The former Fire Chief, as soon as his probation is done of course.
That former planning or parking guy, you know the guy who quit city council because he got his butt kicked in the mayoral election and was instrumental in screwing up the Bunker Ramp project before it was the Bunker Ramp project.
Oh and that other guy who helped him screw up the project before it was a project. He used to hang out at the Copper Lounge a lot.
And the communications person who said bloggers were not a part of the media, or were they a part of the media? She should really warn people about mayors in large trucks trying to run over people in swimming pool parking lots.
And really anyone even with a partial knowledge of IT to run IT, or is it the Financial Cultural Street Crimes Wellness department that needs a new director?
He also mentioned he may bring back some councilors;
NO former councilors that like bees and flowers
Maybe that guy who uses steak bones as gavels and doesn’t like hats. He was good at passing bad ordinances.
Maybe the lady that made sure we are getting another packing plant in town, even though we aren’t now.
The current mayor also suggested that they move the city council meetings to Monk’s Ale House since it would be easier for council to get questions from directors answered.
No matter who may be running for the next mayor, it seems they will have a full and capable staff to guide them if elected.