Patrick Lalley

Just to Clarify

When you only have 30 minutes (about 20 minutes when news and ads are played) it’s hard to rattle off everything you want to say on a radio program.

Yesterday on the Patrick Lalley show, Pat asked a few questions I wanted to go into more detail on. The first one about being a ‘bomb thrower’. I guess I just look at things in a different perspective, and if I see things going on in local government that doesn’t pass the smell test, I like to dig in it a bit. I don’t consider that ‘bomb throwing’ I consider that ‘truth telling’.

But the other question Pat asked just to get some jollies out of me was, “Why do you hate the mayor?” OR he may have phrased it, “Do you hate the mayor?” I can’t remember, either way, as I said on the show, I don’t think about politician’s personal lives or personal feelings and went on to say that I may hate the policy decisions the mayor may make, but not the person.

But I wanted to also clarify something else. I know that I have been accused of being mean and ‘personally’ attacking the mayor and his family. Trust me, if I really wanted to attack the mayor’s personal life, or quite honestly anyone on the council, I would have plenty of ammunition. But I’m not the National Enquirer. I have been told all kinds of things about the Mayor and council, some I have verified, some is just gossip. But I want to reassure people, that most of the stories I hear are pretty harmless things in their personal lives that have more to do with being a little quirky even if lawyers have been involved a few times. But for the most part our local city politicos have pretty clean records, and for that, we can consider ourselves very fortunate. Now if we can just clean up the Fire Department . . . 🙁