
Poetry Club w/Chuck Luden


The globular cluster is descending
Watch out if you can
The universe is more than
we can control
so let’s enjoy the colors
it brings and hope we are
gone before it ends
but if everlasting life is
a guarantee
then who cares
Let’s dance all night
with those that love freedom

Charles Luden • 11-23-12 at Champps

Poetry Club w/ Charles Luden

This was my 2005 Arts Night donation, ‘Crossroads; Robert Johnson’.

Homage to  Robert  Johnson

Came up da river
playin’ my guitar
Got lost in Memphis
‘n’ lost my shoes
Gonna try to go home
if I got enough time
Gotta get away from
Memphis girls and booze

Charles Luden • 6-18-91
On a Robert Johnson postcard to Dave Peterson,
leader of Chord on Blue in which I drummed.

Ugly Table #71


Customer: I can’t cut thru this steak.

ME: Maybe you have a dull knife?

C: No, it is really tough.

I take the offending steak back to the grill chef . . .

ME: Customer is saying they can’t cut thru this steak.

After closer inspection by the chef he says,

“Does he realize this is a T-Bone and there is a bone down the center of the steak that apparently he is trying to cut thru by these apparent steak knife marks.”

S. L. Ehrisman (c) 10/14/12