
Poetry Club with Charles Luden

The  Shotwell  Boogie

It starts with a bleep then
two honks on the tenor sax
You don’t know if it’s 4/4 or 6/8 time yet
Then the bass comes with
strong pulses
syncopating with snare and bass drum
Sax blasts a train sound
The guitar does an airy descent and
picks up electric shock crackle
at the bottom
and it’s off
We jump to dance

Charles Luden • 7-27-08
Inspired by Joel Shotwell performing at Touch of Europe (From my poetry archive)


Poetry Club with Charles Luden

Drum Circle Novice

Up the lane lives a noisy girl.
Can you hear her at your place?
You live closer than I.
She bangs pots with big spoons.
Wants to be a drummer at the endless campfire
calling the spirits to wake the dead,
but actually keeping the living from sleep.
Where’s the earplugs or the cops?

Charles Luden • 8-23-12

To Achieve National Social Justice

Adjust the priorities for the people
not the power mongers
They tend to keep a lot
and suppress potential energy

Charles Luden • 8-30-12

Ugly Table #68

What are you? Three years old?

Customer: I will take a salad, only iceberg, dressing on the side.

Me: Only iceberg? Nothing else?

Customer: Yes.

I bring an iceberg wedge slice to his table (this is how our iceberg salads are served).

Customer: Well, you could have cut it up for me.

Me: Sir, in that rolled-up napkin you will find a knife and fork.

And I walked away.

I wanted to say, “Do you need me to cut up your steak for you in little itzy-bitzy bite size pieces to? Maybe we can run your sweet potato thru a blender? Do you need a high chair and a bib?”

Grow up.

S. L. Ehrisman (c) 8/17/12