
Poetry Club w/Charles Luden

Best  Ever  Long  Island  Iced  Tea
(Made by Kyle at the Limelight)

I spit the ice cube
back into the tumbler
and yelled
Turn up the jukebox!

Charles Luden • 6-7-12

THURSDAY’S   DIAGNOSES (from the archives)

Right now
I feel as if
I’m on a long
bus ride thru
a city

noises in my ears
shaky stop and
start motion
with diesel fumes

all right here in the lab

it could be my cold tablets
the truck unloading at the dock
the lab vent fan whirring
and my mind becoming
even more
of the small shit

Charles Luden • 4-5-01

Ugly Table #67


A customer (bragged) pointed out to me that she was tipping me with a two-dollar bill (On a $30 tab).

I said ‘Thanks.’ in the most melancholy voice I could muster.

I wanted to say,

“You know what a two-dollar bill is worth?”

“Two dollars!!!!!!”

I wonder if she tips a silver dollar for $15 tabs?

S. L. Ehrisman (c) 6/27/12

(not such an) Ugly Table #66

“Who even has a body like that?!”

Okay, you often see images of models in the grocery store magazines, and think to yourself, “This shit doesn’t exist in real life.”

Well, tonight, I saw it.

I won’t even describe the outfit (which was modest to a point), or the girl’s body, that’s for some smutty magazine.

But when I pointed her out to one of my (Male) co-workers, he titled this piece.

S. L. Ehrisman (c) 5/19/12