Rachel Maddow

President Obama asks. “How do you want to die?”

This clip on the Maddow show the other night had me rolling, even the president could barely control his laughter after a call-in question about living wills, it just goes to show all the BS surrounding the healthcare debate;

Rachel Maddow on the GOP’s latest conspiracy theory. Republicans are trying to rally their base by painting health care reform as a way to advance assisted suicide and to literally kill old people. It would be bad enough if this were only coming from fringe groups or right wing web sites, but as Rachel notes, it’s coming straight from these politicians’ mouths.

The Republicans continue to prove that Bill Maher was right about them with this kind of talk.

Maher: This is because we don’t have a left and a right party in this country any more. We have a center right party, and a crazy party. And over the last thirty odd years, Democrats have moved to the right, and the right has moved into a mental hospital.

Babe of the weekend; Rachel Maddow


Rachel has something I like in people (straight or gay); Snark. Rachel has no problem with bringing her lesbian sisters on her show and ripping on the decline of morality amongst straight couples all the while cracking gay sex jokes about Larry Craig. She gets it. If you can’t pick on yourself, you can’t pick on anybody else. So I ask? Is it sexism when you are sexist towards yourself?

Ask Rachel, I would love to hear her smartass answer.