Rex Rolfing

Rex Rolfing, still delusional

I have been waiting for Rex to return from the Orange Juice state to actually campaign in person (still haven’t seen him). He is is relying on the ‘R’ behind his name, a few yard signs and this recent mailer to put him over the top.

Got a really good chuckle out of his ‘VISION’

Just go to and type in Rex Rolfing, and see his voting record for yourself.

Fiscally responsible. WOW! In the 8 years (2008-16) Rex served on the city council he voted for EVERY single fee and tax increase. He also voted for millions in TIFs and bonding, including the Indoor Pool, Huether Tennis Center ($500K), Administration building that we did not need and the The Denty that has never paid it’s mortgage EVER through revenue.

Rex wouldn’t know what fiscal responsibility was if it hit him like a Jesus snow plow.

He also did ZERO to improve workforce while he served on the council, except voting for an expenditure to put billboards of the former mayor’s face all over Minneapolis.

He also followed the marching orders of his former boss and police chief by ignoring our drug and crime issues for 8 years.

Besides the glaring hypocrisy of Rex’s vision, we also forget that;

• He trumped up false ethics violations towards councilor Stehly, in which he had a freak out session where the puck under the gavel went flying thru the air. He even made light of it later by pretending the bone above he is chewing on in the picture was a gavel and started rapping it on the table like a gavel after covering the end in tin foil.

• Rex said publicly he doesn’t want his contact information on mailings even though his city owned council email address and phone number are public information.

• Lastly, his only (non)accomplishment on the council was passing a silly ordinance about having a majority instead of a plurality in council races, which only makes elections more expensive for both taxpayers and candidates (hopefully the city council will overturn this soon, but I see they are waiting until after the election so they won’t make him look bad-chickensh*ts).

Let’s face it. Rex is NOT fiscally responsible, he is NOT ethical, he does NOT believe in government transparency and he is willing to throw anyone under the bus he doesn’t agree with.

There is whole host of other things I could say about this VOID of leadership, but I won’t. I will leave you with a paragraph from a postcard I also got today from his competitor, Kelly Sullivan;

She pretty much sums up Rex Rolfing and his ilk in one sentence. Living in a bouncy house.

Do as I did as a D13 voter, fill only one box out for the House Race. Kelly Sullivan.

Rex Rolfing’s Public Service Record; FEW achievements

He would probably put the bone in his hair if he had any.

Besides making it more expensive to run for a city council seat (pushed for rule to have a majority of the vote to win a council seat)* Rex also successfully gave away valuable city taxpayer land for a veterans cemetery. While I am NOT opposed to a State Veterans Cemetery, I think the taxpayers of Sioux Falls SHOULD be reimbursed for the land either by Feds or State. Sorry, I disagree that this is a ‘tourist attraction’ as some in the state legislature would have us think. It is Memorial Sanctuary. But I don’t want to go down that rabbit hole.

*The council is working on over turning that rule, soon.

Besides making things more expensive for Sioux Falls residents, Rex also approved every single tax increase and fee increase that came before him on the council, he also wanted the siding settlement to remain silent, he pushed for the administration building we didn’t need and he orchestrated false allegations of ethics violations against Councilor Stehly after going gavel bananners on her at a informational council meeting.

I guess if you like higher taxes, misogyny, poor temperament and little other action, I say vote for Rolfing for the legislature in District 13.

But I would suggest a better choice, Kelly Sullivan.

District 13 Candidate Rolfing unsure of what county he lives in

Oh, shucks, I guess I’ll have to drop this wood off in Canton.

While absentee voting today at the Minnehaha County Auditor’s office Rex Rolfing walked in and says, “Is this where I absentee vote?” Which made me kind of laugh. He said ‘Hi’ to me and sat at the ID table, than he says to me, “Are you going to vote for me?” I explained to him I was an independent and couldn’t, “but if I was a Republican and could, you know the answer to that question.”

I walked out not even realizing until someone told me later that Rex was probably turned away because he is a Lincoln County resident, and in a primary he MUST vote in his county. I wish I would have stuck around to see that.

But what I also didn’t realize is that as a candidate you cannot solicit a vote at a polling place. While I knew Rex was joking, as he knew the answer to the question, I wonder if he knows asking that question is against the law.

Looks like another person running to make laws in Pierre without understanding those laws to begin with. BTW, Rex, your County Seat is in Canton. Just go South a few miles, you will find it.

NOW Rex Rolfing wants to hear from you, that is if you have a check

So he sends out a contribution letter and doesn’t even put his phone number on it? He has learned absolutely nothing his 8 years on the city council. There was nothing ‘grassroots’ about Rolfing’s election to the council. I was surprised he knew what the word ‘lean’ even means. With the mayor’s help and the rubberstamp council Rolfing never backed down from spending your money. Racking up over $200 million in bond debt (He never voted against any controversial projects like the DT Parking Ramp and Administration building) and going along with the over 50 increases in taxes and fees. If you liked Rolfing on the council, you’ll love him in Pierre.