While SOS Gant and other state auditors are pushing for E-Poll books (purchased from the same companies that give money to their campaigns and PACs) I am a bit leary after reading stories like this;

State election officials plan to look at the histories of voters who participated in the Republican primary in Davidson County this month to help determine if voters were routinely given the GOP ballot by default.

Mark Goins, the state’s elections coordinator, said Tuesday that he wants to figure out if Davidson County Sheriff Daron Hall’s experience was isolated or common. Advocacy group Tennessee Citizen Action announced publicly Monday what Goins had known for 11 days: that Hall, an elected Democrat, had voted in the Republican primary after poll officials failed to give him a choice.

While they go on to talk about how this may have been ‘operator error’ I say ‘hogwash’. If we implement E-Poll books you could see all kinds of wiggle room for election officials to manipulate the vote. You must also take into account that the very companies that sell this computer equipment and software give money to elected officials that run our elections. That in itself is scary as all-get-out.

H/T – B.J.

Guest Poster contributed;

The SOS story is the South Dakota version of a 37 state effort to control our elections. This linked national article is the crux of what we are trying to highlight in the ongoing Gant-Gate story. Jason Gant as SOS is the conduit to make the strategy happen. Moderate Republicans and the Democratic Party don’t want to understand or admit it is happening. Their cute Facebook and other social media games make it appear they are active. Their efforts are nothing more than busy work with no election day results. The GOP moderates and Dems in general will lose, because nothing beats the organized hard work of long-term finding of voters, getting out their vote and fighting every SOS rule proposed to be implemented.

The ownership of our person, property and our right to vote are at stake.  Keep in mind these 3 combined strategies the corporatists are using to dominate and own us.  Everything else done by the opponents of the GOP (Greedy Old People) is window dressing.


1. lie and make it appear that they support prosperity for all Americans

2. make appeals to racism and dividing the white working class (union vs. non-union)

3. suppressing the vote

As we have discussed, the efforts are so broad based everything must be challenged.  In the words of Pastor Martin Niemöller:

First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

Fight everything, every day, in every way with everything in the arsenal of legal methods.  The fight requires us the people to research everything, question everything, leave nothing to the better natures of ‘man’.  The average person will only win by banding together as a movement to put the masters back into their place out of our lives.

Just got done rereading Randall Beck’s open government committee article under Ellis’ byline in the Argue Endorser and it made me chuckle. We at South Dacola have been real interested in the open.sd.gov website lately. Who wrote this? Under whose guidance? With the results we see, why bother? It kind of reminds us of putting lipstick on a pig.

Was it worth it?

The reporting / contracting agency is responsible for up-loading their contracts and expenditures when and if they want to.  Just go look for a company, law firm, or medical firm you know is doing business with the state.

Try to find the contract and the terms.

How do these outfits get paid? And how many of these companies (individual owners) are donating to the same old yahoos getting elected to run our state every year?

Look for contracts – payments the Attorney General, the Secretary of State, Governor or any other office out of Pierre. You will be hard pressed to find anything out there.  So much for the phoniness of ‘open’ SD government.  With all the legislative hearings without contract questions, no-bid contracts, hidden contracts, Governor’s club arrangements and other special deals reported out of Pierre we at South Dacola want to be able to trust something out of Pierre. But you know what they say, “You can only get the shit so shiny when you polish a turd (Pierre).”

Guest Poster contributed

No bid contracts? No contracts? Request for Quotes? How does ES&S get paid to run our elections with their equipment?  Where is the trail of usual (even unusual) payments we should be able to follow? Or is it a trail of tears? Whatever it is, it’s messy.  Let us know if this helps you understand who is controlling our voting.

Remember when we went started looking into Jason Gant’s special PAC financiers and found GOVERNMENT SYSTEMS, SOFTWARE AND SERVICES INC. (we’ll call it GSS&S for short) Well, we finally located data with the ES&S connection as in GSS&S is a Nebraska corporate shell.

You will notice the only difference between the two companies is their ‘Nature of Business’. It seems GSS&S is setup to do the sales and marketing for ES&S. But other then that, they reside in the same office and have the same corporate officers (you will see them listed on the PDFs below).

GOVERNMENT SYSTEMS, SOFTWARE AND SERVICES INC – Nebraska Secretary of State – John A..pdf – Adobe Acrobat Pro Extended

ES&S – Nebraska Secretary of State – John A

• Without much notice even by Google, we have GSS&S appearing. Was it setup just to sell to ES&S products undercover to South Dakota or just give campaign donations to Gant’s PAC?

• Why can’t we find any contracts for the services of GSS&S or ES&S? (go for it, do a search)

The only thing we find is the contribution.  By the way, view this corporationWIKI page and the read the WIKI for a summary of ES&S and their past(?) ownership of Diebold / Premiere.  According to California and Florida SOS as of 6/15/2012, ES&S still owns or controls most voting systems in the world despite a ‘sale’ of certain intellectual properties in 2010 to Dominion Voting Systems. What does this little information do to election results of 2012 for everyone?

Pretty scary, Huh?


Looks like someone is getting a pretty good return on their money: COMMITTED TO VICTORY PAC 2012 Campaign Finance Feb 1, 2012

Guest Poster contributed;

The Atlas Shrugged opening “Who is John Galt?” brings to mind our SOS office.  Why?  A few things. The expression of helplessness and despair of the novel’s fictionalized world? Well partly, how about seeing the address of one Jason Gant’s major benefactors is at 11208 John Galt Blvd, Omaha, NE 68137?  This Randian address is home to a company,”GOVERNMENT SYSTEMS, SOFTWARE AND SERVICES INC”., not even in the Omaha telephone book, how’s that for openness? Do you know who is actually at this address, Election Systems & Software., ES&S.

Why would ES&S have to buy into the South Dakota SOS office through an unknown or fictitious name?  They are already our major supplier of  voting systems to the state of South Dakota, just search the internet see what kind of reputation they have. Remember the PACs we discussed yesterday here on SouthDacola.com to funnel money around? Jason setup a PAC called Committed to Victory PAC (document above) where ES&S deposited $10,000.00 and BPRO deposited $7,000.00 for distribution as he saw fit. They are also the two biggest contracts out of the SOS’s office. Both companies are making thousands of dollars from the taxpayers.

If you go here and type in BPRO you will be able to view their contracts.

An interesting side note to ES&S is their allegiance to corporatist GOP causes.  In 1992 a wealthy ambitious Nebraska businessman bought a smallish software company with possibilities, American Information Services (AIS), later known as Election Systems & Software (ES&S).  By 1996, Chuck Hagel ran for senate in Nebraska, votes counted by ES&S. Hmm? In 2004, it was reported now Senator Hagel promised President Bush Tom Daschle would be defeated in South Dakota. ES&S, Like Diebold, Premier Election Solutions and others have interesting histories of unusual vote counting practices.

So back to the original question, why does ES&S have to hide their ‘donation’ through an entity not even listed in the phone book or even Google?  Well we have more amazing examples of brashness we are researching and will be back soon with more.

It appears Government Systems is a real company (within the ES&S offices) but what is their purpose? GOVERNMENT SYSTEMS, SOFTWARE AND SERVICES INC – Nebraska Secretary of State – John A..pdf – Adobe Acrobat Pro Extended