
Triple-M doesn’t realize the Lutheran School doesn’t own the snowplows, we do, the taxpayers, while they can practice their ‘freedom of expression’ on government owned property, they cannot promote a particular religion (it really is that simple). If they want to paint privately owned school property, more power to them;

But Huether seemed adamant that the plow blades wouldn’t be removed.

“We are not going to be painting over those plow blades. We will not be painting over them unless I get some Supreme Court case that says that I have to,” Huether said.

Heuther is also reluctant to suggest changes to the “Paint the Plows” program for fear of trampling on the First Amendment rights of participating schools.

“That’s one of the things we’re struggling with,” said Huether. “How do we move forward and still allow people to have freedom of expression?”

Mr. Huether may just get his wish. Watch for the ACLU to be all over this. I also suspect the NCAC may jump into this. So now the mayor is willing to waste tax dollars on Supreme Court cases because he doesn’t have a clue about our US Constitution. How did I know he was going to take this stance?

During the recent informational today, Staggers was defending the plows, calling it a ‘political issue’. No Kermit, it is a Constitutional issue. It is one thing to ‘express’ yourself about a season (winter) and it seems all the other schools figured it out, it is entirely another issue to be disguising ‘artistic expression’ with a ‘Biblical message’.

Also, last I checked, artistic expression relates to somewhat original ideas, there was nothing original from stenciling already existing designs. Someone else also expressed to me we may be opening up ourselves to copyright infringement laws with Coca-Cola.

I will give city attorney Fiddle-Faddle credit, he told councilor Staggers that it was a ‘legal’ issue, and it is, a Constitutional legal issue. And Fiddle should be well-versed in them, he has plenty of case law proving the city doesn’t understand Constitutional law.


“Students at Lutheran High School of Sioux Falls spent time and effort designing the plow blade they submitted for the city’s Paint the Plows event, Principal Derek Bult said.”

You mean original designs like THIS.

I figured this was coming. I’m wondering when Christians, or for that fact, any religious sect are going to figure out the separation clause is there to protect you from government’s interference in your religious lives and beliefs;

Two private schools in Sioux Falls have been asked to repaint city-owned snow plow blades after a group complained about student artwork with Christian themes.

I think Amanda sums it up very nicely

Some residents might be upset about a protest of Christian-themed art on city snow plows, but all they need to do is consider a role reversal, Amanda Novotny said.

“It would have no business on a plow, I would never do it, but if I painted a plow that said ‘There is no god,’ I think people would be very, very upset about that,” she said.

This commenter to the story also makes a fine point;

It is not discrimination against A religious establishment, it is protection for ALL religious belief.


This is going to get ugly. Already talked to a city councilor who has been getting blowback about it.


IMAGE: Facebook.


Some people think this is what God looks like

Who has time for tolerance when you are a Christian who writes letter’s to the editor?

We say Merry Christmas because we celebrate the birth of Christ on Dec. 25. Happy Holidays is something people say because they don’t want to acknowledge that there is a God and that he sent his son to earth to save the world.

No. Happy Holidays is in reference to the many holidays during this season. Thanksgiving, Zwaanza, Hanukah, Christmas Eve, Christmas and New Year’s eve. It has nothing to do with the ‘War on Christmas’ conspiracy. I say ‘Merry Christmas’ on Christmas.

Our forefathers came to America for religious freedom so they could worship the way they chose. Again, no one is forced to do this.

The Pilgrims wrote our Constitution? Who knew?

Other people have their own beliefs and cultures, which is fine. But some want to remove “In God We Trust” from our currency. They want to remove “One Nation Under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance. They don’t’ want us to pray in schools and elsewhere.

Who is that? Counterfeiters? And who is stopping you from praying in schools?