SF City Council

Sioux Falls City Council FAKE outrage over recount expenses

Funny how these things change in a matter of days. Last Wednesday night Alex Jensen and his Campaign Treasurer, Matt Paulson proclaimed if Alex would have lost by 110 votes, he would request a recount also. Heck, as I understand it, Alex already has an attorney hired to handle the recount. But now there seems to be some ‘Fake’ outrage from city councilors (mainly Erickson) that this is going to cost taxpayers money. Last I checked, that is usually the case, unless of course City Clerk Greco and Auditor Litz would like to volunteer their time for the recount? There will also be a judge and other city employees involved. But wouldn’t we be paying them anyway to show up to work?

It’s funny how all of sudden Erickson is a fiscal conservative when trying to save dollars on a recount but doesn’t blink an eye about the millions wasted on these projects that she proudly went along with;

State Theatre ($1.5 million)

EC Siding Siding ($1 million FAKE settlement – NO warranty)

Bunker Ramp ($26 million and counting)

Administration Building HVAC replacement

Ski Lift at Great Bear

New roof on Pavilion

As one my former co-workers used to say about my former boss, “He’s concerned about saving pennies while dollars are flying out the window.” Christine, take your fake fiscal outrage and shove it! Elections are important, especially recounts, this is not the time to worry about a couple of grand while millions are flying out the window due to your very bad decisions.

A recount in the City of Sioux Falls At-Large election likely

As I have said before, a recount is likely. I have also said that if Jensen would have lost by 109 votes, he would have asked for one to, so I found this statement interesting from him today;

Any results that finish within two percent when the final votes are tallied can be subject to a recount, should the defeated candidate make the request formally. With almost 30,000 votes cast, city officials would need to dedicate significant time and money to any recount efforts.

It’s like he is trying to ‘shame’ Stehly into not asking for the recount (even though he would have if the tables were turned). If she asks, it will not be a fast process. I also take issue with people who always want to ‘save’ money on elections. It is the last budgetary item we should be worried about. Heck we have given more to the private non-profit State Theatre than we gave towards this election, probably 10x more. Maybe Jensen should bring that up?

After the canvass tonight, Stehly has until next Tuesday to decide if she wants a recount. After that, it could take a couple of weeks to knock one out. Also, both sides get to pick a person to represent them (likely attorneys). I heard a rumor about who the Jensen team picked, and if it is who I think it is, he is a heavy hitter in the GOP, he is also very smart, but also very conniving and will use every trick in the book to throw out votes, hopefully Stehly picks someone who is also smart & cunning but someone with integrity to combat the rat from the SD GOP.

You will see this play out as a battle between attorneys.

The interesting factor is who the city finance director picks to be the third person on the grassy knoll. As we know, Mr. Pritchett was appointed by the mayor, and the mayor openly supported Jensen, so it will be interesting to see who this ‘fair and balanced’ third person is. I wouldn’t hold my breath.

I still think Stehly could pull this off, but she is already trailing, so there is a good possibility she doesn’t. I’m okay with that, and I think she is at peace with it to. But I also know that she knows she needs to fight to the end, just like she has done over the past 4 years.

The best news from all this? Stehly stays until the recount is over and the installation occurs, which could mean another 3 weeks. Amen!

Sioux Falls Election Process Video

If you FF to about 2:00 min in this video, you will see a poll worker (who looks like a City Council staffer, but it is hard to identify) going through what appears to be ballots, than folding up a piece of paper and shoving it in his back pocket. Now the piece of paper could just be a tabulation sheet or instructions and not a ballot, but it has a lot of people wondering on FB what he shoved in his pocket. If it is who I think it is, people need to ask him what that piece of paper was, and he needs to produce it, crease and all.

As he is walking away, it appears to be just a regular sheet of paper, perhaps a sheet that goes along with a mail in ballot. But even if it is that, why put it in his pocket? Just curious.

One more reason why the City of Sioux Falls Election recount in important

Whether you agree or disagree with Stehly or Jensen, this recount isn’t really about them, it is about the integrity of the process. I have heard about a lot of questionable things happening during the process. The example below is a good example of some of the mistakes that may have been made. More than likely the ballots were double counted in this precinct (Item #41). It is nearly impossible to get a 89% voter turnout in a city election. There are probably a lot of examples of this, such as ballots that may not have been counted in other precincts.

I am unaware how the process is going, but from the calendar, you can see that the installation ceremony is canceled until the recount is complete. I think Stehly has 5 days after the canvas (June 9) to ask for the recount. It could be another two weeks before we know the results.


There will likely be a recount (it is within the 2% with only 110 votes separating them out of over 28,000 votes)

In hindsight, I still think Theresa could have pulled off the election if it was held in April, I think it gave the Jensen campaign time to accumulate more support by postponing it. But let’s face it, this wasn’t about Theresa vs. Alex, this was about Theresa vs. Herself. I have always felt that you either like her or you don’t. I also think her decision to make all the campaign strategy decisions herself this time around didn’t help. I offered my help early on to no avail.

Controversial candidates usually have a tough road a head of them. I am glad that she may be able to go back to normal life (and hopefully help with some city petition drives). I actually didn’t want Theresa to run for re-election, I saw the affect it was having on her mental health and like I said, I think she can do more with petition drives, which she can do at her leisure.

Let’s also face it. When you spend 5 times more than your opponent, your chances are greatly enhanced. Like I have said before, Alex is a nice kid and all, but he will beholden to the big money donors who funded his campaign. Do you really think a business banker would turn his back on these donors? Not a chance. The RS5 may just turn into the RS6. It’s going to be rough over the next two years. You are going to see a lot of steamrolling, higher taxes and fees and a total loss of citizens rights. And transparency? That was bad already, it will go into complete darkness, because the RS5 and Mayor HATE, HATE, HATE transparent government. It is the darkness in their souls.

Hopefully Stehly requests a recount and is successful. With all the crap I heard going on over the last couple of days with this election (indies told they couldn’t have a ballot – primary or city), I think it is high probability she could turn this around. Let’s pray justice will prevail.