SF City Council

Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, Oct 29, 2019

The city council again this week is slacking, but hey, they deserve it, they (some of them) work hard.

Informational Meeting • 4 PM

Presentations on September financials, Supplemental Appropriations for storm cleanup and Professional services agreements for Public Safety Facility.

• As you can see below, tax collection is doing well. It was interesting to see entertainment tax revenue was down from last year September but lodging tax was up. I find it strange that the entertainment tax was down. I have been noticing on the weekends that there isn’t a big crowd hanging out downtown lately, it is kind of eery.

• Not sure why storm cleanup appropriations were tied into snow removal. Can’t wait to hear explanation.

• While we are hiring professional services for the public safety facility, we still haven’t got a clear pricetag. Not sure why.

UPDATE: Is Mayor TenHaken’s Deputy COS Staff, TJ, scared of Cameraman Bruce?

Bruce told me today he was able to ride along on the Capital Projects Tour with the city council and film most of it. He said it was very informative, and since it was a posted public meeting (working session) anyone from the public could come along on the bus tour.

Right before the bus was about to leave, the Deputy COS of staff to the mayor, TJ Nelson was approaching the bus to go on the tour, but once he saw Bruce getting on with his camera, he turned around and never came. Some councilors questioned what happened to him.

TJ must have gotten Cameraman Bruce confused with ‘The Living Man’ Christopher Bruce . . .

. . . Who announced today he will be sentenced in 8 days instead of December. He thinks he will probably get 10 Months. He also included a tidbit about the Mayor’s father possibly having a link to 5G expansion and the telecoms. I had heard some rumblings about that, but haven’t had anyone else confirm it with me. Maybe one of our talented investigative reporters in town could dig around on that instead of chasing the State’s Attorney on his drunken bike rides.

UPDATE: Speaking of Mayor TenHaken, I guess him and councilor Neitzert are rumored to have attended the FCCLA conference in Texas. They both justified it’s relevance and being above the board because this group paid all expenses associated with the conference. They used to be called the FHA. I’m assuming they were hired as speakers at the event.

I have no doubt they are trying to groom Neitzert to run for mayor.

On a side note, I heard the Mayor has upped the ante on whoever will challenge Stehly (if she decides to run) from $100K to $130K.

Money, Money, Money, Mooonnnnneeey.

Why is the city so right and we are so wrong?

The defenders of open government often miss some important points, mainly delivering information uninterrupted.

As if SIRE used by the city of Sioux Falls wasn’t built on absolute crap, we now can’t get anything off the SIRE system without annoying pauses, spinning arrows or plain dead links. The Tuesday October 16th, 2019 meetings were bad enough but now we get to see the Charter Revision Meeting prove it again. 

The system just proves the system is built on crap and will continue to be crap. The IT and Innovation Department must be in place just to find innovative ways to kill public involvement in Sioux Falls city government. Sure am glad the city spent a lot of hard cash to get this upgrade.

This was the response from City Clerk Greco in an email;


I appreciate your bringing up the streaming issue from Tuesday night; we also noted the same issue during the meeting.  We contacted the vendor asking them to review any issues they may have had Tuesday night or last night.  There were no issues associated with recording the meeting and it was uploaded immediately after the meeting adjourned. 

Of the 125 or so meetings we’ve streamed since deploying the new software, we’ve had great success particularly when compared to the previous system. To date, we’ve experienced one other streaming issue in December for an informational immediately after deployment. Our protocol is to conduct a web streaming test prior to each meeting.  We also intend to upload videos at the conclusion of each meeting– there were short interruptions in 2 recordings a few weeks ago requiring additional time for upload to ensure the complete video was posted online; Tuesday night I stopped the informational upload so I could begin the City Council meeting recording.

Despite the problem Tuesday night, we’ve found great benefits from the new software.  Among those are the ability to view meetings on all types of devices, a significantly better search capability through the agenda program of the more than 1,800 meetings online, and closed captioning during the streaming of City Council Meetings.  Additionally, the software has provided for public access to over 26,000 original ordinances, resolutions, minutes, election returns– some of which date back to 1907–  campaign finance documents, and raffle notifications.  This can now be found through our webpage under “records” and I hope you find it useful.

Thanks, Thomas Greco • City Clerk • City of Sioux Falls

I actually thanked Greco for his ‘in depth’ explanation. But when it comes to open government, and failures a simple ‘sorry’ would suffice

Cherapa II developer meets the city half way

As I have been hearing, the developer of Cherapa II (a partnership between Pendar & Howe Properties) offered the city $7 a square foot, the city wanted about $15 a square foot and they settled on $10 a square foot. Strangely enough the developer’s appraiser said it was worth $7 and the city’s appraiser said it was worth $15 a square foot. What a spread?!

I’m okay with this. As we know we paid way too much for this property to begin with. The ‘extra’ amount was for a switching yard out of town. What has happened is that the RR remained only a few feet from the departed property running tracks right along side it. They are still switching and storing cars less then a half a mile from the property just North of Avera and along the river by Nelson Park. In my opinion we accomplished very little with the $27 million which we had to add millions more for another viaduct under 26th street which will only allow even MORE traffic to the North in the Avera and downtown area.

That aside, it is good to see someone will take advantage of the property and I believe it’s spokesperson, Jeff S. when he says he will finish the project. Where I found this testimony a little comical is when he said that he won’t be making much money from it. I would agree with him that on it’s face, in the short term him and his partners won’t be making much except for mortgage payments, but in the long term, this property will have a big payoff. He knows it too especially when he says he is thinking of his ‘Kids and Grandkids’ future. Councilor Neitzert also went into full ass-kiss mode defending Jeff and his contribution to the city (like he was a charity) and that developers are getting beat up to much about the kind of money they are making.


Let’s face it, we can’t turn back the clock, because if we could, we would have tried to eliminate most of the downtown train traffic to JUST necessary deliveries and NO switching and NO storing of cars. But Mr. ‘Get things done’ saw $27 million in the federal taxpayer’s piggy bank that he was just itching to hand over to Warren Buffet instead of actually accomplishing something.

I wish Cherapa II luck, but I have a feeling besides the $27 million we paid for this pile of dirt and the over $30 million we are paying for the 26th street overpass, we will be paying for this badly executed plan for decades in tax rebate handouts, land deals and TIFs. It’s unfortunate that the citizens can’t sue it’s elected officials for making these kind of hazardous decisions, because if we could, we would be getting massive rebates.

The RR Redevelopment project WILL go down in history as one of the WORST negotiated projects in our city!