SF City Council

UPDATE: Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, Sept 10-11

City Council Informational • 4 PM • Tuesday 10th

Presentations on the CVB BID Budget and Regular Budget Amendments. I’m not sure how many amendments there will be, but I do know about a couple of them.

Regular City Council Meeting • 7 PM • Tuesday 10th

Item #12, Deferred Resolution, Street Vacation. This will probably pass because the RS5 seem to be leaning that way. I think the only two that will vote against it is Starr and Stehly. What is weird is that the vacation isn’t really needed, and the State who are involved with it, doesn’t seem to care either way.

Item #16, 1st Reading, Supplemental Appropriations for the parks department for bike trail upgrades. No real explanation for this.

Item #17, 1st Reading, Property tax increase. The council hasn’t failed to pass this every year for well over a decade. I don’t think this year will be any different. Ironically, the city really doesn’t have to pass this, they can just leave the rate where it is. The excuses for raising the tax rate should be interesting . . . and TOTAL BS!

Items #18-21, Resolutions on the 2020 budget(s)

Charter Revision Commission • 3:30 PM • Wednesday 11th

The Commission trudges thru more articles of the charter.

UPDATE: The Presser on Tuesday at 10 AM is for the Events Center Campus Book Club recommendations.

If I was Stehly, I wouldn’t spend one single penny

As I told Alex last night when I ran into him, I’m not sure if Theresa is running for a second term. But I what I did not tell him is, she is unbeatable, no matter how much money you spend. The only thing that could make Stehly vulnerable is if several people jump into that race (I do think there will be others). But in a head to head challenge between Alex, or anybody else, she can’t be beat. I am so confident of that, I would advice Stehly to raise NO money and spend NO money if she decided to run for re-election. It would be an amazing sticking point to prove money in local politics corrupts the system.

While I don’t agree with Theresa on many things (trust me, we have a lot of disagreements, and I also argue with her about her ‘style’ and ‘form’ sometimes) but the one thing that makes her extremely re-electable is that she listens to the people, and is their voice when NO one else on the council will speak for them, and for this, she will be impossible to beat if she runs.

Councilor Neitzert makes some interesting statements

Oh, the irony of former chief bullsh*tter having a press conference about his 123 page book (that I presume has been extremely edited, or should we say ‘polished’) the same day Councilor ‘Mama’s Boy’ Neitzert makes his re-election bid;

“We need an honest, informed and principled leadership more than ever to address the many challenges and opportunities as our city continues to grow. I believe I have proven to be that type of leader.”

I’ll let the honesty and principled statements slide for now, we will have plenty of time to talk about those, but I hate to remind Greg that if he were truly ‘informed’ he would have NEVER fought for the Bunker Ramp, in fact, any city official (elected or not) that helped to push that thru was anything but ‘informed’ and maybe just a little bit ‘dishonest’. And let’s continue with that theme;

‘update annexation policies to foster more neighborhood cooperation’

The annexation task force did a quick 180 after Theresa Stehly used her own resources and time to notify NON-RESIDENTS of the potential annexation efforts by the city of Sioux Falls. She certainly did not have to do that, but because of her efforts the task force members, including Neitzert and Kiley found out what a pitchfork up their rears feels like.

And speaking of Theresa, she still hasn’t decided if she will run or not. But the rumor around the South of 57th street water cooler is that councilor Erickson and Mayor Paul are helping her potential opponent, Alex Jensen, with fundraising and organization. I also heard Neitzert’s potential opponent is getting a little assistance from a former mayoral candidate, no worries, it’s NOT the zombie guy.

I won’t be commenting on a couple of things

The complete meltdown of the SD Democratic Party’s financials and the mysterious absence of our State’s attorney has been in the news cycle recently. While I have a lot I would like to say, I decided that I will let these matters sort out themselves. There is a lot of rumors and gossip going around about both issues and until the truth comes out, it just wouldn’t be fair to speculate (even though I do that a lot).

Also, I don’t give a sh*t about either issue. Really, I don’t.

In other news, Sioux Falls City Councilor Greg Neitzert will have at least one challenger this Spring. The announcement is coming this month, but most people probably already know who it is. I have never met this person, but if I had to sum up the race today, Greg would beat him. I think the only way to knock Neitzert out is to use the silly 50+1 rule against him and have multiple people run in his district.

At this point I have neither recruited or assisted anyone for a city council race for the upcoming Spring election.