SF City Council

UPDATED: Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, July 23, 2019

City Council Informational, 4 PM

Monthly Financial Report for June 2019, you will see that while the sales tax revenue has been steady (and better than last year) the lodging tax continues to falter while Air BNB in Sioux Falls and the state has had record growth. I really think it is time the Air BNBs in Sioux Falls pay some sort of lodging tax.

Housing update

Legislative priorities of council for 2020 session, The city council is still supporting TIFs even though there has never been a comprehensive independent study presented publicly on how they are economically beneficial. We have NO idea what benefit TIFs have been. I have the short answer for you; there have been little to know economic impact, if there was we would have seen a study years ago showing it.

They also are asking the state to help in funding paratransit for agency ride services, which I agree with.

You will see in the calendar below that the EC Campus Book Club meeting has been moved to August 1st.

It’s time for citizens to fix the City of Sioux Falls Charter

If you watch the meeting, you will see the CRC (Charter Revision Commission) did their darn best to make sure nothing (so far) gets on the ballot for the Spring election. They consistently refer to the council to make changes. Quite honestly, when it comes to pay or how elections are run, that should be a CITIZEN decision, and should be put on the ballot by the CRC. In fact, I think most of the council would agree.

Fortunately, Dale Froehlich and Joe Kirby showed up to reveal the changes they would like to see. I’m sure they are NOT holding their breaths. They know as well as I do that it will be up to a petition drive to fix the issues with the charter.

Should agencies being paying for their own employee transportation?

During the presentation yesterday at the Sioux Falls City Council informational meeting on transit, many of the councilors had the same question, “What about paratransit’?

(FF towards end of the meeting to hear several of us comment on transit)

There is NO DOUBT we need paratransit, our Federal funding is actually tied to it, but can we reduce costs by having agencies provide their own worker transportation and only use it for ‘other’ transportation needs?

Agencies could use their own shuttles, or if they don’t want to deal with the capital investment, they can certainly ‘contract’ the work. While I want to see disabled people working if they can and want to, I’m wondering why the taxpayers need to foot the entire bill?

We could restructure paratransit so there are different kinds of service, one for work transportation and one for other needs (maybe it is already set up that way?)

I think there are other funding solutions out there, but it would require the city to put their foot down and demand partnerships with the agencies and healthcare providers.