SF City Council

Sioux Falls City Councilor Stehly’s cell phone ban proposal will have it’s naysayers

The arguments against the ban by the RS5 will be high theatre, so let’s review some of the cards they will pull against this ban;

• What if there is an emergency I need to attend to? That’s simple, you give the number of the council’s operations manager, Jim David to your family members. If their is an emergency, they can call him and he can notify the councilor affected immediately. The irony is that in the 15 or so years I have been attending and watching council meetings, I have only witnessed a councilor leaving once due to an emergency.

• What if I need to research something. Well that research should have been done before you came to the meeting (just like they used to do in the olden days when they had NO internet and NO cell phones) and if you have legal or logistic questions you can ask the applicant or city director to answer those questions by walking to the microphone during the meeting.

• Having my cell phone during a meeting is part of a modern society. While I can somewhat agree that technology has changed, the meetings really are a ‘public’ hearing of sorts, that means all correspondence during the meetings between councilors and staff, constituents or applicants should be public, and in a legal sense, if you are texting about policy in the meeting, that really should be released to the public.

• We don’t need an ordinance, we can just learn to be more respectful. Funny, I said the same thing about public input, but that didn’t stop the RS5 from putting more restrictions on it. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. If the citizens of Sioux Falls can’t be trusted to be more respectful with texting and driving how can we trust our elected leaders?

Let’s face it, they will come up with a whole host of different reasons we don’t need the ban, because they want to continue to text the ‘players’ in and out of the room. And that is really what it is about, as I said on FB about this last week;

What a sad world we live in that 9 adult elected leaders in our city can’t put their phones away for a couple of hours to do the people’s work. I grew up with landlines and didn’t get a cell phone until about 15 years ago. What did elected leaders do before cell phones and the internet?

These public meetings are about doing the people’s work, and they shouldn’t be distracted by outside testimony or influence during the meetings. If the important people want to be heard privately, schedule a appointment with them before the regular meeting. I don’t take issue with prior discussion with all the parties involved, but when it comes to the actual meeting, you need to be ready to go.

What this comes down to is a game the RS5 has been playing for awhile to gang up on certain councilors and it’s no different then watching sharks circle their prey. Guess what, you are big kids now, you can put away the video games and cartoon watching for a couple hours a week to do the people’s business. I know the first couple of meetings without your phones you will probably experience cold sweats, uncontrollable hand twitches and suddenly the need to wring your hands with hand sanitizer every 5 minutes, but you will survive.


UPDATE: The City of Sioux Falls needs to stop ‘Data Mining’ citizens

During public input Tuesday night, I told the council they needed to stop the city’s administration from data mining on it’s citizens through different apps, surveys and Facebook. The administration has reached out to me and have been looking into my accusations. I will let you know when they have given me ALL of their feedback.

UPDATE: The testimony after me is actually pretty good also, Duane Schipper(sp?) talks about the explosive employee wage/benefit increases under TenHaken. Are we running a city or Microsoft?

Should ‘ALL’ Sioux Falls City Councilor emails be considered confidential?

I have been of the opinion that city correspondence should be public record unless it is addressing legal counsel, personnel or discussing possible legislation.

City councilors have been sharing discussion emails with the media and this blog for well over a decade. Since the council’s email and use of it is taxpayer owned property, there really isn’t any harm in sharing discussion emails with the public, I would even argue it is our right to see it.

Lately there has been some internal discussions on the council whether or not sharing discussion emails is appropriate. Not only is it OK it is essential to open government and seeing what our council is doing. This is also a reason why texting during the meetings should not be allowed. Any correspondence during these meetings, whether through a text or email should either not be allowed by ordinance or shared with the public since it seems to be a part of the public hearing.

It’s hard to ‘Leak’ confidential information to the public if it’s NOT confidential to begin with.

Sioux Falls City Council Agenda • June 11, 2019

Council Informational Meeting • 4 PM

We have a lot of great presentations, but no supporting documents yet;

• Daycare registration

• Emerald Ash Bore (still waiting for my stump to be ground)

• City Council Budget Update

Regular Council Meeting • 7 PM

Just to warn you, the newly elected council chair, Selberg will be running the meeting. Which is interesting, especially since there is some controversial stuff on the agenda (we will get to that).

Item #6, Approval of Contracts/Agreements. $22 Million for main pump station replacement. Seems appropriate on a ‘consent’ agenda.

Item #7, Change Order, another $119K for the failed HVAC system at the City Center. Still wondering who is paying for this F’ck Up?

Item #16, 1st Reading. Ordinance, E-Bicycle changes. It seems, and maybe I am wrong, that the city is going to allow any kind of E-Bikes on the trails. Waiting for more details.

Item #17, 1st Reading, Ordinance, so I guess the city is trying to play a little game of ignoring state law by requiring pawn shop owners to collect serial numbers of ALL merchandise, not just guns. In an essence not calling them ‘gun dealers’ anymore but just peddlers of merchandise, which includes guns. I guess this has infuriated the gun nut chucklers and they have been bombarding the mayor’s office with commentary. They don’t like it that he is going against his neo-con, 2nd amendment base. But I never thought he was that. I have always felt he was just another marketing guru like the last guy, and could care less about those philosophies, he cares more about money. It will be interesting to see who shows up Tuesday night to debate this ordinance. I think I will watch from home 🙂 I suggested the city do the same thing with an ordinance that charge residents a fine if they have guns stolen from an unlocked car, but instead of saying ‘guns’ use the word ‘weapons’.

Item #18, Resolution to have diagonal parking at 9th and Main. I guess a compromise was negotiated on Friday.

Item #19, Resolution to increase taxes on cable service. This will likely pass since the RS5 would never miss an opportunity to raise your taxes. Ever.

Item #20, Resolution, the infamous ‘Boulevard Tax’. Residents who live on the McKennan Park 21st Boulevard pay extra in frontage fees to have the city maintain the center boulevard. So why can’t we just raise everyone’s frontage fees just a few cents to help pay for project trim?

Item #21, Resolution, We are beginning one of the most expensive infrastructure projects in the history of our city. Something that should have been started 4-5 years ago, but Bowlcut & Bucktooth needed to build his palaces of pleasure which have turned into palaces of pain.

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