SF City Council

Should texting be prohibited during Sioux Falls City Council meetings?

I will be the first to admit that I am guilty of texting councilors during meetings. Most of them don’t respond until after the meeting, and they really shouldn’t be. But I have noticed lately that ever since PTH took the helm, it is texting central, the main offenders I have seen are Mayor TenHaken and councilors Neitzert and Erickson. Not sure if the others are engaging in the texting.

Maybe it is time the SF City Council implement a ban on texting during the meetings like they do in Rapid City (see ordinance below). They are really there to do the public’s business, so they should be listening to the public instead of fiddling with background information from other people watching. It reminds me of when I was in school and the teacher would catch you passing notes, and they would say “Would you like to share?”

It also brings up an interesting legal question since the councilors get a taxpayer stipend for their cell phones, shouldn’t these texts during the meeting be public information and shared with the public?

Our elected leaders should be prepared before coming to the meetings. They are also supplied with laptops to search any pertinent information they may need from the internet or internal city files, they also should be listening to testimony from the public, city employees and business people not getting outside information while setting policy.

Maybe it is time for a policy.

2.04.120  Electronic communication mediums prohibited.

   A.   For purposes of this section, “Electronic Communication Medium” shall mean any technology that allows text, audio, static images, or video to be exchanged between two or more people in real time or near real time creating or inviting an interactive exchange of information.  Examples of electronic communication mediums include, but are not limited to, electronic mail also known as email, instant messaging, chat rooms, cell phone text messaging, and web logs also known as blogs.
   B.   The use of any electronic communication medium by the members of any city board commission or the Common Council during any meeting that is required to be open to the public by South Dakota law is prohibited.  Notwithstanding this provision, members of the Common Council may review e-mail messages that have been received prior to a Common Council meeting but may not engage in any communication activity using e-mail during a meeting.
(Ord. 5733, 2011: Ord. 5398, 2008)

Bible Bumping Tea Party version of the Red Cross/Civil Air Patrol looking to start Sioux Falls Chapter

Just look at the Prairie Patriots code of conduct. Are they concerned about disaster management or converting heathens and socialists?

They recently sent this email requesting a presentation to the city council;

I am the CERT Commander for Prairie Patriots based out of Sioux Falls.  We are a non-profit volunteer based organization currently sponsored by the City of Egan as their CERT Team. We are also looking to expand our CERT Operations into Sioux Falls, Minnehaha, and Lincoln counties to help fill the void there.

A reference about our group made be obtained by Jason Ravnsborg SD Attorney General, and SD Senator Jim Stalzer.  S.D. Representative Kevin Jensen is on Prairie Patriots executive board.

We are training hard to help the State of South Dakota in all times of need from disaster relief and various forms of CERT assistance.  I am requesting a meeting with the city council so we can show you the benefits of having an active CERT team in Sioux Falls as there has been in the past and effectively integrate with the Emergency Management community.

If you have any questions feel free to ask or visit our website www.prairiepatriots.org Thank you, Thomas Werner Prairie Patriots

Maybe Noem can hire them to protect the Governor’s Mansion? I wonder if the Boy Scouts are offended they stole their uniforms?

Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, June 4, 2019

City Council Informational, 4 PM (6/4/2019)

Internal Audit report of the Zoo & an Executive Session.

Regular City Council Meeting, 7 PM (6/4/2019)

Item #15, Applications, Arc of Dreams dedication party moved to July 24th. I hope they have a few bones left over from the $2.6 million dollar ego expenditure for crackers and cheese at the party.

Item #40, 1st Reading, Ordinance, Leine’s isn’t popular anymore, we have to go back to the old standby of Coors Light. Yeah, this is some of the stupid crap the city council has to endure. Speaking of stupidity, I guess more and more people are turned off by the ax throwing venues. Besides the obvious that they are trendy and expensive, the number one complaint is ‘They are noisy’ and not in a good way like dance music or live rock bands . . . thump . . . thump . . . thump. I went into the one next to Book COOP about a month ago, and I lasted about 2 minutes before I left. Sioux Falls, we need more poetry readings and less axe throwing. Now if West Mall can get on the Coors Light Express.

Item #41, 1st Reading, Ordinance, Cable Tax increase. This should be an interesting discussion. But no worries, the RS5 will make sure your taxes go up!

Items #42-43, Resolution, So this is interesting that we are going into OVS agreements with this telecoms BEFORE the tax increase has been approved. HMMM.

Item #46, Resolution, Approving more diagonal parking on Main. I find it curious there was NO informational on this.

Planning Commission Meeting, 6 PM (6/5/2019)

Item #2, Consent Agenda, items C & E, Looks as though Councilor Erickson is looking to change a couple of nice McKennan Park residences into another Air BNB properties. I hear her and her husband have been snagging up properties around the hospitals for short term rentals to temp nurses and other hospital staff. The question is if Erickson is using her position on the council as a way to help the people she serves or herself? I talked to a person who lived a couple houses away from one of the properties and they had no idea that it would become an Air BNB. I find it a little curious also that the Planning Department put these on the consent agenda instead of the regular agenda to make sure this goes under the radar of the public when there is clear conflicts.

Item #5B, new restaurant on North Minnesota Ave.

Item #5C. my new favorite restaurant, Abelardos is seeking a beer and wine license. I find it interesting the property is still owned by Jim’s Burgers. Someone needs to figure out ‘curb appeal’ because the weed fest they have going on outside isn’t drawing in the customers. The food however is fantastic!

Item #5D. Garbage handlers being possibly denied a new parking lot.

Item #5E, St. Francis House to change plans.

Click to Enlarge Calendar

Did the City of Sioux Falls Audit Committee really explore all candidates?

I know, I want to put this to rest as much as the rest of you. The RS5 made another horrible decision, and it will be fun to bring it up when a couple of them run for re-election. But I could care less about that now, because we must address BAD decisions in the here and now.

A couple of days ago I got a tip that some of the audit committee members (non-councilors) were not happy about the selection process, but were told to stifle it.

Today I was told from a city councilor a potential candidate told them they weren’t even considered or interviewed for the position. They applied late last year.

According to this candidate, they were never even considered by the audit committee. I first want to say that I have never met them, also, from reading the resume I saw, they are young and have a short work history, so I can’t tell you if they are qualified or not. But from reading the education and work experience (they are a certified auditor), I would have at least interviewed them. Am I missing something here? It would be one thing to interview them and then determine they are not qualified for the job, but to just look at this resume and go, “Nah, we already have someone picked out.”

And that seemed to be the case.

I wish this person good luck in their employment endeavors and that they should probably be thanking themselves they didn’t get the job. I’m just sayin’.

Next Generation Leadership PAC

I guess one of the reasons the PAC cannot be found is because somehow the filings for the PAC have disappeared off the city’s website. I was able to get a screenshot of the last page of the PAC’s July 3rd filing thru a city contact. Curious that city employees have access to this document but citizens don’t. But I don’t have time to go into that rant and how our new innovation department is finding ways to hide information from citizens unless you have a traceable login.

You will see below in PTH’s July 3rd filing he received an almost $25K donation from the PAC. The same day, the PAC filed itself. It seems they are on a mission to recruit more candidates like Paul. God help us all!

(The rumor in political circles, and the reason Dusty Johnson had a freakout on a fellow Republican in RC recently is because they believe Rounds will not run again for senate, leaving Johnson to run for that seat and TenHaken to run for Dusty’s current seat, but like I said,  just gossip at this point.)

I also find it interesting that Joel Dykstra was not only the treasurer of PTH’s campaign but also the PAC’s. Well isn’t that convenient? You may know Joel who got his rear end kicked by Tim Johnson. But Joel is also a well known developer around town that likes any developer welfare and zoning breaks he can get from Sioux Falls taxpayers. I guess this is what they mean by ‘Next Generation’. Republican elected officials taking money from the working poor and turning into big profits for his ilk.

Joel also gave money to Alex Jensen. This must be their first ‘recruit’ in the PTH Next Gen movement. I expect more recruits from this PAC that has seemed to slide under the radar up until this point. I guess it helps when public officials conveniently hide your filings (if someone can provide a link, I will gladly retract that statement).

At least we have cleared the air on who they are so far, it will be interesting to watch them dump bundles of money into ineffective campaigns and lose. (PTH’s full report: 20180703-TenHaken-CFDRT (1)

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