SF City Council

Letter to the Editor addresses the 5 Children on the Sioux Falls City Council

And some people wonder why I play my violin;

This favored group of five does not interact much with the public. Their reliance is mostly limited to city staff, developers, and the mayor’s office for information and instruction. That in itself, tells citizens a great deal about the intent of these five councilors to actually represent average citizens.

The irony is I heard a top city official (not elected) last week talk about how the previous mayor ‘Pushed Thru’ the Events Center (instead of relying on a task force for a recommendation). Also ironic is this person tried to correct what they said after saying it, as if the rest of us in the room didn’t know our past mayor was a ramrodding bully who not only screwed up the siding on the Denty but at the EC Campus Book Club meeting officials admitted that the concrete on the main floor is beginning to crack and crumble due to the ice usage for hockey games. Remember folks, this building is barely 5 years old.

If these disrespectful councilors were children in our school system, their disdainful behavior and body language would be strongly addressed. Do we expect less of our councilors than we do our children?

And the sad part is that they don’t care, or they go on Facebook and claim their families are being attacked.

Lifescape’s Damage Control? (Guest Post – Jannelle Cain)

Did anyone notice the shout out on KFSY News last night they have a half hour special coming up Saturday night, March 30 from 6:30-7 pm called “Empowered by Lifescape”. It will run every day next week at noon on the CW channel. How does a nonprofit have enough money for a fully produced half hour advertisement in the aftermath of a public lawsuit on the abuse of a resident last summer? And let’s not forget the fiasco of how they tried to force the street closure of Elmwood Avenue and all the bad press they have created for themselves through their tactics not just in the neighborhood but throughout the city.

Are they looking for donations or something bigger?

In the news recently, Sanford Health partnered with the VA for research with a $25 million research grant from T. Denny. Does Sanford have expansion plans in the VA neighborhood?

Lifescape had their orders and failed to get the street donated and made A LOT of people angry in this city.  They may have even lied directly to the City Council about moving. Lifescape has already admitted once in this process they want/desire to move within 5 years, but as these things go, they need a buyer.

I would love to still support Lifescape as a neighbor, but the process they used to close the street has left a bad taste in my mouth and a rather chapped hide. I was denied a meeting with the Foundation, and with CEO Steve and VP Rick DeSanto when I requested it on the safety issue of the parking lot for their employees. I received a call at exactly 5:30 pm, one half hour after my business closes so Rick thought he would get my voicemail, however, I answered personal. It was obvious it was a written/prepared statement 8 hours and 20 minutes after my call to request the meeting and told them what I wanted to discuss.  In the return call I was told “Your intentions are “disingenuous” and that I do not believe in the mission of Lifescape or care about their employees or the people they serve.”  That could not be further from the truth, if they would have taken the time to talk to me, they would know that my aunt and maternal grandmother and grandfather were all crippled from mercury poisoning during my Mom’s senior year in high school.  So by the end of that year at graduation she was working 3 jobs, buying them a house in town, and had her younger sister enrolled in the ND Cripple Children’s School after she was released from the University of Minnesota Hospital.

I wish Lifescape luck on their attempt to the gain positive public opinion and raise money with their half hour commercial. It’s unfortunate that a few bad apples at the organization are over turning the apple cart of an otherwise useful and well intentioned institution.

So who is lying about the openness of the Events Center Campus Book Club?

The ‘Painless’ Meeting in Public

We watched as this all played out. The meetings were going to remain closed, the TenHaken administration was digging in their heels. Then councilors Starr and Stehly bring a resolution forward opening the meetings. All of sudden the Task Force was claiming they decided they were going to open them up all on their own according to some secret vote, in a secret meeting and informed the Mayor in a secret email (to this day no one has seen);

An email from the event center group’s co-chairs Dan Statema and Jeff Eckhoff to Mayor Paul TenHaken said that the group had voted at their first meeting on Feb. 27 to allow the public and media to attend the rest of the meetings.

“We see no harm in having interested parties gain the same education we are as we progress through this process,” the email read.

Now fast forward today to the first open meeting. Deputy COS TJ Typeover tells those TV folks this;

“Pat Starr and I brought forth a resolution when we found out these meetings were going to be closed to the public and the resolution requested that they open the meeting and as a result of that the meetings have been opened,” says Stehly.

“After the first meeting they talked in between that meeting and this meeting and decided to open these up to the public,” says Nelson.

So which is it TJ? Did they vote on it? Did they decide later? My guess is both stories are TOTAL BS. You and the Mayor decided to open these meetings up after pressure from Starr and Stehly. Just admit it. Because just lying about it makes you look even more foolish, and certainly NOT transparent.

UPDATE: First ‘OPEN’ Events Center Campus Book Club meets Wednesday

UPDATE: See, that wasn’t so hard to invite the public. Hopefully I will have video later today. I guess they discussed financials and the fact that Former Mayor Bowlcut and Bucktooth started the Arena Augie Contract ($25K a year-that just ended) so the discussion about building an indoor REC center there (Greg Jamison) would go away. I guess one city official also admitted (in a round about way) that Bowlcut cut corners while building the Denty to get it done faster AND cheaper. Shocker!


UPDATE II: Can the Sioux Falls City Council form legislation to help with pothole damages to vehicles?

I actually think the Sioux Falls city council has the power to put a policy into place to create a contingency fund to help citizens and visitors pay for damages endured to vehicles due to the pothole crisis.

So what would this look like and how would it work? I’m not a legal beagle so this is my BASIC recommendation.

The fund could easily be created/estimated by doing a survey of mechanic shops over the past couple of weeks. For estimation sake let’s say it is 1,000 vehicles with an approximate damage rate of $200. The fund could be set at $2 Million and could easily come from reserves. Current city reserves are around $52 million (end of 2018).

How would you stake a claim? The easiest way would be thru a 3.21 notice that would be sent directly to the mayor’s office (which is turned over the city attorney). This form basically says that you were harmed by the city.

FORM: SDCL3.21 Notice of Claim


You would have to have a window of time that pothole damages could be reported. With a 3.21 notice that is typically 6 months.

There would also have to be a ‘window’ of when the damages happened. For argument’s sake let’s say February 1, 2019 – April 30, 2019 (or whenever the policy is put into the place by the council).

All receipts of work would have to have a legitimate time stamp or date on them, or would be subject to being thrown out.

Who would review the receipts? An employee board would have to be formed from different departments to review the receipts and determine if the work is ACTUALLY from pothole damage. For example if you had a bill for tire repair, oil change and replacing a windshield wiper, you would only be reimbursed for the tire repair. There would also have to be an open appeal process if you feel you were not compensated correctly.

Like I said, this could all easily be done by the policy makers (the city council) and would go a long way in rebuilding trust with citizens who have endured damages. The city council could choose to do nothing and let the mayor’s office handle the legal fiasco and ramifications, but if they get a head of this and put a fair process in place, this could go a lot smoother, unlike our roads.

UPDATE: Omaha has agreed to pay for pothole damages, full story HERE.

**UPDATE II: Many government entities have special processes which must be followed prior to suing them for damages. These processes are ostensibly created for other reasons but almost always have the effect of creating complex hoops which must be jumped through prior to making a financial claim for damages against them or suing them. You lose if you don’t jump through one of the special hoops. Many of the processes also shorten the statute of limitations which would normally apply. South Dakota has such a process and it is embodied in Chapter SDCL 3-21.

You must provide written notice to certain individuals (SDCL 3-21-x) and you must do so within 180 days of the incident event per SDCL 3-21-x. The actual South Dakota Notice of Claim law is at this link https://sdlegislature.gov/statutes/Codified_laws/DisplayStatute.aspx?Statute=3-21&Type=Statute .

When providing notice of damages, it is always a good business practice to be as specific as possible regarding the location, the time, the date, the persons involved and what happened.

Remember also, like most governments, the South Dakota executive, legislative and judicial branches agree that they should be allowed to lie to you without consequence but that it should be unlawful for you to lie to them. In other words, be as short and very clear with your facts. You do not need to give all detail in this form but do not stretch the truth. Be prepared to supply photos, invoices, medical claims and other information supporting your position.

This form was created by examining several forms filed with the City and using the language. The form provided is a downloadable, fillable Adobe type PDF document. When opened in an Adobe type Reader program you can type in your information. By filling out the form, two copies will be created. Sign both copies and save one for your records.

You may desire to mail the notice using a method that documents the delivery of the notice to protect yourself from a later claim you did not mail the notice. A signed witness statement to the delivery to the mayor’s office or USPS certified mail to the mayor.

There are potentially severe consequences for not providing the required notice correctly. If you have any questions you should contact an attorney.