SF City Council

Sioux Falls City Council ‘IS’ the policy making body of government

As we have all read, the Argus took the mayor to task about the lack of transparency in their ED board column on Sunday. This line I found the most interesting;

Now the topic is being revisited with a group that includes members of the hotel, construction, architectural and banking industries – all areas where avoiding questions of conflict of interest would be prudent.

This is one of the main reasons these meetings need to be public. When you have a group of powerful business men in town (even if they are volunteers) making recommendations, we need to be clear that their suggestions are for the good of everyone, not just their pocket books. Their is a part of me that wonders if some of the members asked that they be private meetings. We wouldn’t want that pesky Bruce showing up with a camera while we are planning our future investments.

During the informational meeting yesterday, councilors Stehly and Starr reminded the rest of the council about the importance of transparency (while the rest of them just stared into space and made no additional comments. I think even one of them was laughing at Stehly’s comments about ‘loving thy neighbor’). Starr went on to say the obvious, the City Council is the policy making body of the city, not the mayor’s office or his appointed study groups. The city council should be heading up this group, yet only ONE member is invited to attend (Soehl). We seem to be going even further backwards these days when it comes to transparency. Many city hall watchers have even been stating that TenHaken may even worse than the last dude.

What even bothers me more is that we seem to have a majority of the city council that isn’t questioning this. I’m sure Brekke agrees with Starr and Stehly, but where was Erickson and Neitzert who used to rail on the last administration about transparency. Or what about our chairs, Selberg and Erickson allowing TenHaken to usurp the powers of the council? It’s an outrage, and they remain silent.

It’s because they HATE public input and TRANSPARENCY, they proved it this summer while limiting public input.

That’s not the only thing that has disappeared into the night. I guess proclamations are no longer read at the council meetings because TenHaken found them to be a waste of time that takes away from the regular meeting. Part-Time Mayor Beck now handles them internally, I guess. Why don’t we eliminate the invocation to? There is no requirement we have one, the county commission only does the pledge of allegiance. Some of those pastors tend to be winded anyway.

I can’t say it enough, there is never a good excuse to keep government closed. And saying we need candid conversations as one of those excuses is just ludicrous. I think the best conversations about policy happen in the open when feet are held to the fire.

Bee Keeping and Benson’s Flea Market

Crazy who you run into at the Flea Market. Old Cartoonist friend Tim Benson and Representative Saba. You can still talk to Stehly & Brekke at the Flea Market today.

Stehly also wanted me to tell you she will be attending an upcoming meeting for Bee-Keeping within city limits. I support this. I hear from a lot of people that we don’t have as many bees as before in Sioux Falls, and they help with personal food production. I think you could limit the size of the hives so you don’t have a massive population at one specific spot, but bees are good, and they are our friends.

I also think any city ordinance that is proposed needs to be tied into with how we spray for skeeters. It has been proven time and time again that spraying is very harmful to ALL beneficial insects, just not bees. The residue left on gardens and vegetables is also harmful especially to small children. We need to take a more natural approach to limiting skeeters in the city.

Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, MONDAY, Feb 4, 2019

Council will be going to Pierre on Tuesday for some kind of Municipal event. Hopefully Haugaard will let them in the Capital so they hang out with the rest of the buffoons and wackies.

City Council Informational Meeting, 4 PM

There will be a presentation about building code changes (sprinkler systems and deck footings).

LSS will also do a presentation about stats on Refugee resettlement in SD. The numbers are actually way down.

City Council Regular Meeting, 7 PM

Item #40, Ordinance, 2nd Reading, Audit Committee Changes.

Planning Commission Meeting, 6 PM (WED 2/6)

Item #3D, Re-Zoning for Slavery HS.

Item #6A, Ethiopian Restaurant (That will make THREE! Woot! Woot!)

Item #6B, Permit to build a Westside Banquet. Must be a lot of Federal Employees on that side of town. It is next to a couple large trailer parks . . . not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Item #6C, Taco Hell converted into Taco Yummy!

Item #6D, Just what we need, another Casino in a Gas Station. NOT!


Congressional House Committee Investigates FCC for Collusion in re 5G Small Cell Tower Legislation Which Eliminated Local Control Over Installation

It’s about time, even though I am not holding my breath, especially with Ironic Johnny Thune-Bag’s chairmanship;

House committee investigates FCC over 5G infrastructure order

The House Energy and Commerce committee has asked the Federal Communications Commission to produce communications records between FCC employees and network operators related to the commission’s recent order preempting local control and pricing of infrastructure access, alleging that FCC representatives may have acted improperly in support of an initiative that is likely to save operators billions in 5G deployment costs.

“It has come to our attention that certain individuals at the FCC may have urged companies to challenge the order the commission adopted in order to game the judicial lottery procedure and intimated the agency would look unfavorably toward entities that were not helpful,” wrote committee Chairman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-New Jersey) and Mike Doyle (D-Pennsylvania), chairman of the subcommittee on communications and technology, in aletter to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai. “If true, it would be inappropriate for the FCC to leverage its power as a regulator to influence regulated companies to further its agenda in seeking a more friendly court.”

Interesting some of the crap that was going on (that we have been pointing out);

The FCC order focused on easing deployment of 5G infrastructure. The primary tenets of the FCC’s order included:

  • Banning local regulations designed to prohibit wireless infrastructure deployment;
  • Standardizing the fee structure cities can charge for reviewing small cell projects;
  • Establishing a 60-day shot clock for attaching small cells to existing structures and 90 days for new builds;
  • And setting “modest guardrails on other municipal rules that may prohibit service.”

Well, Well, Well, seems that cool Million Thune-Bag got from the Telecoms paid off for them in billions. I wonder if our local media will pick up on this story. Oh that’s right, they are busy telling people it is cold out and you should wear a coat and hat.