SF City Council

City Finance Department gives ‘Half’ the story about outside Counsel

Once again, we are given the ‘Dog and Pony’ show about what the city spends on outside legal counsel.

As I point out at the end of today’s informational meeting, the city hides what they spend on legal counsel thru budgeting it in ‘consulting’ in the individual departments, or hide it with the Public Assurance Alliance in which we pay premiums to.

It’s time for the city to release what they spend on legal counsel, throughout city departments AND through the PAA.

There has also been rumors that the PAA and the city are negotiating a (secret) settlement for the death at Falls Park.

And how did those lawyers get access to an actual safety report when the city said one does not exist?

I’m starting to think the money we are spending on legal counsel as a city is a gigantic waste of money.

When we let a former mayor and councilor ‘plant’ candidates, this is what happens

Kinda like Michelle, but less frowning.

Curt Soehl is turning into Michelle Erpenbach, but worse. At tonight’s council meeting he tried to play Michelle’s old trick of ‘I need to remind the council’ that she/he knows better. He got his butt schooled by a former city attorney (Brekke) about motions.

This is what happens when we continue to hit the ‘recycle’ button on elected officials. I warned voters that Curt was recruited by Huether, Erpenbach and their ilk. I warned the Unions they were making a huge mistake. Now we have another councilor who thinks they know everything about procedure while ignoring citizens by not answering phone calls.

You should have voted for DeBoer.

Neighborhood associations reimbursed for ‘Bouncy Houses’

If you don’t think there isn’t government waste, you should be watching the Sioux Falls City Council work session right NOW.

Adam Roach with the city (in charge of neighborhood associations) explained to the city council about how he used part of his $50K a year budget for neighborhood associations to reimburse a park party for a bouncy house ($2K) and even more strangely, landscaping and a flag pole (both in city parks).

Obviously the bouncy house is not a good use of tax dollars, and as several city councilors pointed out, shouldn’t the flag pole and landscaping be a part of the parks budget?

This is what happens when you give ONE person a bucket of money within government; Bouncy Houses.

UPDATE: Sioux Falls City Council to Dissolve TWO TIF’s on Tuesday

UPDATE: It seems they are moving forward with a ‘Market Rate’ apartment project and this is why the TIF is being dissolved. Funny how a TIF is now not needed since they are going to build apartments that they can charge whatever for rent. Further proof all TIFs are is developer welfare.

Many people have been asking about a supposed project North of Sunshine Grocery Downtown that received a TIF and why it hasn’t proceeded.

It seems that TenHaken administration is taking action by asking through resolution to have the council dissolve that TIF and the TIF that COSTCO never accepted. As I understand it, Norm Drake from Legacy is somehow involved with the Downtown TIF (part of it is where the current temporary dog park is located) and COSTCO opposed their TIF from the beginning because they don’t like how TIFs take from public education funding.

As I have been saying about the $190 million dollar bond issue, why are we borrowing so much on the backs of homeowners while wealthy developers are getting tax rebates? Just another reason why the Bond issue AND TIFs are flawed.

Council Agenda Items #46-47

Details Below;

Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, Sept 4-5, 2018

City Council Working Session – 2:30 PM – Sept 4th

They will be discussing budget amendments and ‘Unfunded’ projects

City Council Informational Meeting – 4 PM – Sept 4th

Update on UDC meeting, Subdivision ordinance update, Parks Master Plan study and City Attorney’s budget

Regular City Council Meeting – 7 PM – Sept 4th

Item #1, Approval of Contracts. We still keep polishing the turd called the Pavilion Parking ramp.

Item #3, Selling off 3 transit buses in an online auction.

Item #4, Mecahnic’s lien against the city for not paying contractor for Brown Bear exhibit at the zoo. I guess this was the first time I have heard about this. Hopefully we will get an explanation.

Item #21-22, New beer and wine license for a new establishment in the old Prairie Berry location on 8t street.

Item #23-24, Another Axe Throwing place wanting a beer and wine license. But NO beer with your popcorn at the movie theater.

Item #32, Notice of Change Orders over $25K. This really should be changed to notice change orders starting at zero.

Item #40, LifeScape parking lot. This has been a very controversial debate and I expect a lot of people from the neighborhood opposing the parking lot. It will be interesting to see how the council votes. LifeScape has already bought and removed the houses in the area of the proposed parking lot. So if the deny the lot, what will go there?

Item #41, Street Vacation.

Item #46-47, Dissolving 2 TIFs (see my earlier post)

Item #48, More citizen board appointees.

Item #49, Resolution, denying demolish of homes in a historic district. I expect testimony from the developer who owns these homes or a representative.

Joint Minnehaha County/City Council Meeting – 3 PM – Sept 5th

Joint Budget Hearings for Museums, Libraries and Metro 911

Planning Commission Meeting – 6 PM – Sept 5th

Item #7, Alcohol permit for a Coffee shop. Still trying to figure out why establishments call themselves ‘coffee shops’ but serve beer and wine. Puzzling.

Item #9, Alcohol permit for another telephone booth video lottery casino. Planning staff doesn’t recommend approval or denial, they recommend the commission listens to testimony. It’s interesting because the place is close the Avera Campus. We will see who wins? Video Lottery or the Hospital Industrial Complex? Wonder if the Planning Commission will throw another flaming football to the city council.

Item# 10, oh, and guess who is looking for a rezone in the very next item? Avera.

Item #11, Subdivision ordinance change. This is interesting;

• Add new private streets standards.

• Require a maintenance agreement for the private streets and utilities.

• Define and add standards for flag pole lots.

• Improve pedestrian and bicycle neighborhood connectivity.

• Add standards to reserve new bicycle trail corridors.

• Move some standards to the Preliminary Plan.

• Clarify and make minor changes to the subdivision process.

• Update the plat process to be consistent with state law.

Item #13. 2nd ANNUAL CITIZENS PLANNING ACADEMY. Wonder if they changed their tune about letting the most wealthiest developers in town getting their way?