SF City Council

Mayor TenHaken, an obvious world of difference


I will first say, there are still things that concern me about Mayor Paul. I’m still trying to figure out his relationship with his staff. I still think he should have given Legacy the boot on the Village project and I still think he needs to give some directors the boot.

That all aside, I have been impressed with his different leadership style. He doesn’t seem to like the spotlight. I like that. I think in government modesty and a humble approach to your job is always best. You are there to serve.

In the video above, I am really excited he took an idea I threw at him early on in his administration at public input about working with the county(s) and school district.

As for public input, I’m glad he wrangled this in and didn’t let it get changed drastically. In fact, public input couldn’t be better (mostly due to the new state law) that allows public input at all public meetings and 1st readings.

But for the most part I have to give Paul props for running the meetings with respect, openness and allowing the city council to debate the issues without being cutoff.

Trust me, I know everyone thinks I am a Negative Nancy trying to find problems with his administration, and also trust me, I am constantly watching. But I will say this, Paul has been doing a pretty good job so far and that isn’t just me talking. I hear it a lot from citizens, and that really is the proof in the pudding.

UPDATE: Without a Narcissistic, Sadistic, Egomaniac Bully as Mayor, the council is free to get things done

The City Council did their due diligence last night and saved a historic neighborhood from another commercial development that are eating up our core.

A developer thought they were going to play the game of buying crappy houses, let them go to sh*t and than have an excuse to tear them down. The council said, ‘Not so Fast.’

Watch George Hamilton school the council on what exactly the developer was up to.

UPDATE: So in this KDLT story, the developer states the obvious;

Developer Sam Assam will need to get a cost-estimate for repairing the homes and see if that outweighs the cost of demolishing them, then bring his case before the Board of Preservation again.

Well DUH it is cheaper to bulldoze a house. I think we have established that McFly. But what I can GUARANTEE and Hamilton is right, it way more cheaper to refab these houses if their structures and foundations are solid than it would be to tear them down completely and build a whole new structure. At the informational meeting on Tuesday, the Affordable Housing manager said a starter home costs about $220 now in Sioux Falls.

But the bigger question is not whether they can be demolished or not. Why are we allowing commercial development to creep into a neighborhood. I don’t even care if it is a Historic neighborhood. We should keep our affordable housing neighborhoods.

Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, Aug 21, 2018

Budget Hearings – 3 PM

There will be presentations on the Health Department, Planning and Development, Affordable Housing and Transit.

City Council Meeting – 7 PM

Item #1, Approval of Contracts;

The city is looking at sending out Mass Notification text messages about important emergencies, etc. I hope one of the city councilors pulls this item so we have more explanation on what this all encompasses.

Item #22, Resolution, Capital Budget Adoption, 2019.

I suspect some convo on this one.

Item #38-39, Ordinance, 2nd Reading, Railyard Redevelopment Overlay District.

Item #43, 1st Reading, Lifescape Parking.

Item #44, 1st Reading, Apartment rezoning. This is a highly controversial item. I expect a lot of dissent from the neighbors. They want to build a large senior living apartment complex in an established neighborhood with water drainage issues. This is the item the Planning Commission threw the flaming football to the city council claiming they had a ‘legal right’ to approve this, even though commissioner Paulson voted ‘NO’.

Item #51, Motion. WTF!? I have NO clue what this is.

Item #53, Motion to approve new city attorney. It is interesting that COS Beck signed this for the mayor.