SF City Council

Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, August 14, 2018

Budget Hearings, 2 PM

There will be presentations on the Entertainment tax, the Parks Department and Public Works.

There is also an executive session. It’s either about Legacy again (doubtful) or about hiring a new Internal Auditor (most likely).

Regular Council Meeting, 7 PM

Item #8, Approval of Contracts. Apparently it costs $53K to engineer a masonary viewing platform. Wow.

Item #15, Resolution, City Council’s Legislative Priorities.

Item#6; The Sioux Falls City Council supports tax increment financing (TIF), an economic development tool that has led to millions of dollars in increased property value, benefitting both the state as a whole and the local entities sponsoring the districts, while at the same time maintaining the integrity of the process.

Notice NO mention of how this benefits the community or supplies sustainable jobs. Why not just call it what it is; developer welfare. Tax breaks that they use to pay the mortgage.

Item #16, Resolution, Street Vacation. There is NO mention of WHO wants this vacation (developer). Hopefully we will learn more Tuesday night. I don’t have a problem with street vacations if they are no longer needed. It saves taxpayers money, because we no longer have to maintain the property. It also puts it on the tax rolls. Where I take issue is giving away the land to a private developer. They should have to pay for it, at least 50% of appraised value. Remember the street vacation for Billion auto? That property was probably worth around a million dollars, we gave it away. Dumb.

Item #17, Motion. This is a mystery. I assume it has to do with the lawsuit against the city over the drowning of a girl. I wonder if they are trying to negotiate a settlement.

Surplus property denied due to tie vote by city council

The big drama last night at the city council meeting (Item#46) was a debate on whether or not the city could determine a patch of land behind the Huey building surplus property.

Since the mayor was not present he could not break the tie, so if it is a tie without him present it fails. I agreed with 4 of them that it is surplus and they should sell it. They can determine later IMO how it can be used. The plot of land is 33 x 110 Feet directly behind the Huey, the alley would still be available.

But there was some interesting things that happened. First off, no one mentioned ‘air rights’. The Huey developers could just build 12 feet above the property if the city didn’t want to sell to them.

Another unusual twist in the night was private lawyers on both sides of the debate. After they left and went outside to debate some more, cameraman Bruce reminded them it was because of us public input supporters they are now able to come to 1st readings and testify.

Some councilors were also visibly annoyed that our own planning director and assistant city attorney was trying to convince the council to vote for it as surplus. No surprise to me, I say it all the time, developers run the city and often get city directors to do their bidding. Makes you wonder just how many hours city employees spent over the past year helping to develop the Black Iron private development?

The rumor circulating is this item may come back once the mayor can come and break a tie. I still think it is surplus, but what do I know, I’m not a lawyer.

$200K Magically Appears on Consent Agenda

Remember when I was talking about the $200K parks study in the consent agenda? Well guess what? It was NOT in the 2018 budget. See, technically anything in the consent agenda it must be in the budget the year before. Somehow the Parks department decided to ‘scrounge’ money from other projects to come up with the $200K. That is not how it is supposed to work.

Last night at the council meeting, councilor Pat Starr thankfully pulled the item out of the consent agenda and had it deferred so the Parks Director could explain 1) where he got the money 2) why it wasn’t budgeted for in the proper process 3) why do they need this study.

Bravo Starr!

We will be hearing about the study in an upcoming informational . . . this outta be good.

Public Input, TODAY @ Club David (Aug 7, 6:30 PM)

Public Input is a night of real-time rolling commentary on the style and substance of your City Council meetings at Club David, a mere stone’s throw from the meeting’s locale, Carnegie Town Hall; (please, do not throw stones).

Join host Patrick Lalley (KSOO, the Patrick Lalley Show), for a City Council meeting viewing party featuring drink specials, Council meeting Bingo, substance and comedy on the live streamed big screen.

Tuesday, August 7th, Patrick is joined by blogger Scott Ehrisman and Disgruntled Former City Commissioner Matt Staab.

Inappropriate language, angry outbursts, and blue material permitted, encouraged, and possibly rewarded.

We MAY livestream a livestream of us livestreaming, check HERE between 6:30-7 PM