SF City Council

The ‘Spin’ continues from the school district

I often chuckle when people in government start comparing your personal finances to government finances. They are different. Why? Because it really doesn’t matter what you spend personally because it is your money. When government spends money, it is OUR money collectively and we have the RIGHT to know.

While the School District has finally admitted what principal and interest will cost if the loan goes to full maturity, they still are playing games with that figure;

“There’s a $110 million of interest on that over time, unless we pay it off early like we did in 1997,” Morrison said. “But it’s kind of the way you think about it. We’re only going to get $190 million in bond proceeds that we have to spend on the project.”

It is a proposed 25 year loan, so that would be $110 million over the term of the loan, that is what needs to be told to taxpayers. We have NO idea if they will pay it off early because they have NOT presented a plan to pay it off early and have NO idea how they would. Comparing it to the 1997 bond is unfair, that loan was $30 million, this bond is over 6x more. It needs to be stated to taxpayers, ‘If the loan goes to full maturity it COULD cost the taxpayers $110 million in interest and principal.’ That is the only FACT here, because they have no idea if it will be paid off early. If they have a plan or scenario, please show us, otherwise stick to the facts.

Grimmond called the $300 million number a “scare-tactic” by naysayers, and compared the process to how home buyers talk about buying a new home with their friends and family.

It is NOT a scare-tactic, it is a FACT.

“Nobody goes out there and says, ‘I bought a $200,000 house, but in interest it’s going to cost me $400,000 over 40 years,'” Grimmond said. “…They don’t look at that final number. Should they? Maybe.

“But if you ask the naysayers, ‘How much are you paying on your house with principal and interest included in it?’ I know they don’t know that number. It would be like crickets going off, but they want to hold the school district to that same standard.”

Like I said above, it is up to me if I want to know what that number is, it’s my personal expenditure, but this is public money and the taxpayers have the right to know what that payoff amount would be if it went to maturity. It’s similar to how Federal Law was changed a few years ago that requires credit card companies to show on your statement what it will cost you if you make the minimum payment. Taxpayers have a right to know what that will be if the school district makes the minimum payment on the bonds, that is $110 million. And while that is NOT a scare-tactic, it certainly is a scary number, and that is why they are trying really hard to hoodwink us into thinking they would pay it off early. The only way they will be able to pay it off early is if they increase our taxes, which brings us to their other snow job;

“As the value of a home goes up, your taxes go up proportionately,” Morrison said. “Let’s say your home went up 10 percent over the next 10 years. Then yes, that $2 will be $2.20, but you’re enjoying the value of your home that just went up $20,000, too. But it’s the same thing. It’s that time value of money. That $2 won’t go the same distance in 10 years.”

Than why do you continue to tell people if they own a $185K house they will be paying $2 a month through the life of the bonds? Your home value WILL go up and LEVEES will go up, that means the $2 a month WILL go up. In other words my $185K house won’t be a $185K next year, so I will be paying more that $2 a month, and that of course will continue to go up.

While I appreciate the school district addressing these issues, it doesn’t change the fact that they are facts, and facts seem to be getting in the way of their propaganda.

TenHaken’s budget invests in city employees and infrastructure

Oh, Shucks.

Doc: Budget-SF-2018

Imagine that, a mayor managing a budget that invests in it’s people and customer service. GET OUT! I have often argued with people that there is no where in the US Constitution, State Constitution or City Charter that requires our city to spend capital on entertaining us.

Running a city is pretty simple. You take in tax dollars and you spend it on maintaining the city;

• Public Safety

• Planning and Zoning

• Infrastructure and Public utilities

If there is money left over we either refund it (LOL) or we spend it on parks, etc.

I do take a couple issues with the budget address itself (Video). Paul mentions that the police need riot gear for violent protests. Really? I don’t really have a response to that, unless of course the Keystone pipeline plans to go thru our town.

While I understand reorganizing certain departments when it comes to employees and roles, I do think the city needs to look at more technology to help reduce the number of city employees we have. This of course would require us to eliminate the person in charge of that. Please do that soon, we could probably save millions.

Press Conference on Wednesday to discuss Downtown Parking Ramp

It seems some things will never change at city hall, no matter who is at the helm; Developers Run our city and have the keys to the cookie jar.

The assumption is that in tomorrow’s press conference we will be told everything is hunky-dory with the downtown parking ramp because Lamont has now taken control. While I don’t have an issue with Lamont building a hotel or that Journey is building that hotel and parking ramp, it doesn’t change how we got here and how the plan in itself is a bad one.

First off, the plan. We are only getting a handful of parking spots for the $20 million we are spending, and the 100 year lease is unheard of.

Now, let’s look at the players. Legacy is the developer who concocted this plan, they are forever tied to it. We can throw out all the accolades we want about Journey or Lamont, doesn’t matter. The taxpayers of Sioux Falls shouldn’t be giving one red cent to a poorly planned project with players that are being investigated for safety violations and a wrongful death.

Mayor TenHaken should have TERMINATED this project, paid whatever penalties and when asked why, he should say, “Why don’t you ask Daren Ketchum, Tracy Turbak and Mike Huether.” Mic drop.

It is hardly a secret that the city council was probably told about what would be presented in the press conference tomorrow in the executive session today. I talked to someone who attended the session. They were very clear with me that they couldn’t tell me what happened or what was said under penalty of law, or even what the topic of conversation was, but they did tell me this, “It didn’t go well.”

It is pretty evident to us local government nerds that there are way to many hold overs from the past administration that need to be given their walking papers, and until that happens, we will continue down the same path; Developers hold the key to the city.

How long did Sioux Falls Public Works know about the $260 Million dollar water plant expansion

Several city councilors have told me they have known little about the water reclamation expansion until after Former Mayor Bucktooth & Bowlcut left office. They have admitted that there was mention that the expansion WAS coming, but the price tag and water rate increases were NOT talked about.

The latest proposal is to increase our rates by 6% each year for the next 3 years and 3% every year after that. We will see how the council debates this proposal. My suggestion would be to bond $160 from the enterprise funds and $100 from the 2nd Penny to spread out the bond payment costs. In reality, the 2nd Penny should pay all of this since technically this is infrastructure/capital.

It is very curious that the pricetag was NOT talked about in the final months of the last administration’s term. Did he ask his Public Works director and finance department to embargo the information over the past year so he could justify bonding for the Administration building, parking ramp and $25 million dollar bond payment for Lewis & Clark? We can only imagine the answer to that question. I would suspect that the Public Works Department has known for at least the past two years this was coming AND it would be very expensive. Funny how this got dumped into TenHaken’s lap after Bucktooth did all his monument building. Go figure. Not to mention the $50 million dollar jail and $190 million School Bond.

If I was the city council I would grill Mr. Cotter on how long he knew about this expansion and the possible costs. Following orders to keep something a secret from Bucktooth is unacceptable.

Legacy & The Downtown Parking Ramp Issue (GP-Bruce Danielson)

This Legacy Parking ramp / hotel scheme is not like a new thing for most Sioux Falls citizens to comprehend. Many knew this was a scam based on fraud and many people in positions of power decided to look the other way just to get promises fulfilled before they left office. If they took others with in the process, they are collateral damage I guess.

There may be legal liabilities. The six Council members who voted for this project and the previous mayor could be on the hook criminally. They had been told in open City Council testimony (it is recorded and can’t be taken down) there was a connection between the four owners of Legacy and the four owners of Hultgren Construction and the four owners of Boomerang and the parking ramp group. It may not have been on paper, but there was plenty of public testimony to back it up.

Construction manager at risk (CMAR) and guaranteed maximum price (GMP) and RFP and RFQ possible rigging may be examined for years to come. To claim they didn’t know or were unaware, is a poor excuse not holding water. If they did not want to look at the situations because a scheming happy warrior was telling all was OK, then they might be wearing stripes together.

There may have been wire fraud, mail fraud and more involved areas which they are all liable. Look at Daren Ketchum moving over to Legacy after he worked so hard to get this project done before Huether left office. Unspoken quid pro quo is screaming at us, the fix was in. There could still be the asbestos problem and the decision to close down one LLC and give all the assets to another just when the asbestos questions were being raised. Now were talking real criminal conspiracy with real behind bars time to consider.

To now claim this is a Lamont project instead of the cosigners of the guarantees may be just another scam. This will forever be a Legacy project. Does Lamont Co. have signed documents turned over to the City right now saying they are now the sole guarantors?

The threat of lying on bankruptcy filings causing criminal charges made the guarantors come partially clean is little consolation to a dead man’s family or to a city bleeding money on schemes of a past mayoral term.

How can a new mayor who has not fired the “mistake makers” of the past administration now go back to these same individuals (the “mistake makers”) to get a new solution or legal justification everything was done correctly without jeopardizing their pensions and employment?

Mayor TenHaken said it in the KELO.com piece, “As a citizen, I did not like how the previous administration pushed this project so hard with disregard to transparency.” As citizens, we don’t like it either. Anyone who allows this project to move forward could join the others in unpleasant federal criminal conspiracy ramifications.

Will our new mayor do the right thing and kill this project? Kill this project and wash our city hands of it. Take the $1,000,000 guarantee and use it to pay off the bondholder early repayment penalties and the other city costs. We don’t need this parking lot the way it is being proposed or possibly where it is being proposed. Most of  Sioux Falls know this was a bad deal from the start. We need to let Mayor TenHanken know the project is now in his hands and he should kill it before it gets way out of control. A man died for the sins of greed, what’s next? Is this our Legacy to never forget?