SF City Council

Just what did I talk about at public input?

There has been some criticism from councilors and from the media about the frequency of certain commenters at public input. As I have noted, I ALWAYS talk about things concerning our city. I don’t talk about state government unless it has to do with city business and I don’t talk about Federal Government. I don’t even talk about my blog or personal things like community art shows. If I was trying to get ‘publicity’ wouldn’t I be talking about different things at public input besides city business, I don’t. I attend public input not only to address my concerns with city government, but the concerns of many citizens in this community who either don’t have the time to attend city council meetings or are to shy to comment. I read the minutes of the 26 meetings I spoke at, these are the topics I covered. I sometimes address several topics during the 5 minute period I am afforded. As you can see EVERY SINGLE TOPIC has to do with city government. No carrying on about personal government subsidies or how no one listens to me. Some say you can contact your city council outside of public input. I do, I also blog about a lot of stuff that I never address at public input. I will say this though, a majority of the council WILL not respond to emails or phone calls. Sometimes city employees/directors won’t either. That is why public input is important, it is a time to address concerns, in public and on the record. This is how you get results.

Public Input (4)

Decorum of City Council

Open Government and Open Meetings (4)

Falls Park Safety review

Affordable Housing

Alcohol Licensing

City elections (8)

Trains (6)

Construction of City buildings

City Planning (3)

Sioux Steel moving

Top Ten Wins

TIFs (3)

Decibel Noise Levels Downtown

City Lawsuits

Public Ambulance & current ambulance service (3)

City Financial Reports & Budget (3)

Sanford Sports Complex

Charter Revision Commission

Municipal League

City Bonds (2)

Event Center Siding (3)

Events Center & SMG (2)

Downtown Parking Ramp (3)

City Arts funding


Washington Pavilion

Great Plains Zoo

SF Fire Department

Sioux Falls Parks (2)

City Ordinances

UPDATE: Washington Pavilion delaying Annual Report AGAIN

UPDATE: Apparently the city received the 2017 financial report from the Pavilion a couple of weeks ago. So they must of had their annual meeting without little fanfare.

DOC: WP-2017-FS

As you can see they are up $490K from the year before. What I found interesting was that ticket sales were up $1.2 million from the year before, but expenses were up $1.1 million.

Well, you have to give them credit, they are staying consistent with last year.

But what makes the delay interesting is that there is a new sheriff at city hall. Mayor TenHaken is probably eye balls deep (or at least his COS is) in budget meetings. So how can you justify the yearly subsidy to the Pavilion and all the extra goodies they get from the entertainment tax when you have no idea how did last year?

Well the rumors are out there. I guess due to good ticket sales and fundraising they are up almost $500K. Maybe they are keeping that under wraps from the public so they keep their yearly subsidy? Not sure?

It would be wise for Mayor TenHaken to pressure the Pavilion to release that annual report before the budget hearings start. In other words RIGHT NOW.