I did this toon in response to an Amendment that councilor Staggers proposed on changing the language in a budget appropriation. He wanted it to state that raising property taxes is a ‘tax increase’ (which technically it is). The council was split, which surprised me, and Munson voted against the proposed (transparent) language. Very dissapointing.

Here it is from the minutes;

A motion to amend was made by Council Member Staggers and seconded by Council Member Anderson Jr. to amend the title of the ordinance to comply with City Ordinance 2-22 (d), to read “An Ordinance of the City of Sioux Falls, SD providing appropriations and the means of financing them which includes a property tax increase of 2.9% or $1,101,930 of tax levies for the Fiscal Year ending December 31, 2009″.

Vote to amend:  Roll Call:  Yeses, Litz, Staggers, Anderson, Jr., Beninga, 4.  Noes, Brown, Costello, Jamison, Knudson, 4.  Mayor Munson broke the tie with a no vote.  Motion Failed.

The council reinstated the non-profit money last night. But our city attorney, Mr. Know-it-All doesn’t think the council had the legal right to do it.

The outcome left City Attorney Robert Amundson questioning whether the council’s action was legitimate. Last week the council approved the 2009 budget. This week they were approving a resolution appropriating the money.

“I think it should be looked at,” Amundson said following the meeting. In theory, the city attorney represents both the mayor and the council.

The council is his client, not just the mayor. He needs to be defending their decision not just his buddy the mayor. Like I have said in the past, I have great respect for Robert Amundson. He was a former judge, and that is maybe the issue with Robert, he is opinionated like a judge, not an attorney. He needs to understand his job as an attorney is to advise the council on the letter of the LAW not his OPINION on the LAW as a sitting judge would do. The council isn’t asking for a verdict, they are asking for an opinion, there is a difference.

In the Sioux Falls’ Chamber of Commerce News published in the Argus Leader, the new Chamber Chair Dave Fleck had this to say about citizen advocates and half the city council;

“More recently, the Sioux Falls City Council* voted for additional funding sources for the construction of arterial streets and other infrastructure projects. Instead of focusing on negativity, the council had a vision of where Sioux Falls could be and voted for our future.”

*(Only four councilors voted for the increase with the mayor breaking the tie, this equals 50% of the council, not a mandate or a majority).

This kind of divisive language is no surprise from a Chamber member. Over the weekend it was reported that the US Chamber of Commerce was one of the biggest supporters of the Wallstreet bailout, they are also the largest lobbyist in Washington, spending over $40 million dollars last year in lobbying congress. They like it when taxpayer’s give them money for projects like roads. Mr. Fleck seems to think that it is NEGATIVE for government to look out for citizens first. The amendment that councilor Costello offered to make cuts to the budget instead of raising taxes was very POSITIVE because he was saying we can build these roads without raising taxes. Talk about optimism.

Mr. Fleck goes further with his citenzry attack;

“We need to be willing to risk short-term controversy for long-term benefits.”

There is nothing negative or controversial about asking our elected officials to listen to people who pay their wages and fund this city’s government. In fact I can’t think of anything more negative then apathy.

Jason Folkarts had a Republican on his KCPO political show. Wait, he always has on Republicans. Kidding aside, he had my favorite city councilor Dr. Kermit Staggers on the show. It was refreshing because;

1) Kermit knows his stuff when it comes to civics (He has a PHD in that stuff).

2) He is an old skool conservative – which is cool – low taxes – small government.

3) He slammed the bailout, I think I liked this quote, “This is going to have to be paid for by people who haven’t even been born yet.” (I think Leslee Unruh is working on that).

4) And best of all, he pretty much made fun of the Vote No on IM 10 TV commercials about teachers not being able to talk to their husbands. Kermit and I agree on this, it is complicated language, but it is a good measure and the other side is LYING THRU THEIR TEETH in the commercials. No surprise though, it is NOT supported by either political party.

5) He loves Sarah Palin. C’mon Kermit! Really?!?! Well not quite, but he was pretty complimentary.