One of the main reasons I pushed for the ethical decision on Friday was because I wanted the story to be in the news cycle over the weekend, and the media has delivered. Though I knew how the politically appointed Board of Ethics would rule in Litz and Jamison’s favor, I don’t think it was a bad thing. Why? Many citizens still think they have a conflict, and the decision reinforces what the upcoming vote on Monday really means. Which councilors are on the citizens/small business side and which are on big business/developers side? We will find out Monday night.

I don’t doubt that the platting fees will pass, but the retail tax increase will be close and comes down to two people; Vernon Brown and Munson. Vernon still has not said how he will vote on the retail tax increase. If he votes for it, Munson will break the tie.

Kelo TV has a story on it.

Argus Leader also puts their .08 cents in on the issue.

From the Argus Leader;

Jamison said Friday that the request for a review was a waste of time if Ehrisman didn’t feel the councilors had conflicts.”That’s kind of a funny tactic,” Jamison said. “The idea that down the road that I may have to step out on a vote? That’s 100 percent going to happen. I’ve done it in the past, and other councilors have done it in the past.”

I did not realize that Jamison didn’t get paid to sit on the City Council. How honorable.

Kermit corrects his ridiculous statement though:

Councilor Kermit Staggers, who will vote against the measures, said the results of the review reinforce the council’s ethical guidelines. “It’s helping draw the lines a little better for us,” Staggers said.

As I suspected they ruled in Litz and Jamison’s favor. Now there is precendence.


But it does not end here. I received some interesting information today about several of the councilors. I’m going to wait until Monday night’s council meeting before I release the information during public testimony.


The Argus Leader’s Take. In the comment section:

PapaChubby wrote:

Oh no! Detroit Lewis, Pumpkin Head, Angry Guy and Cartoon Boy aren’t going to like this. Expect Scotty and the rest of the “Axis of Negativity” (Colonel Kermit Klink, The Wicked Witch of the East and her troll doll partner) to show up at City Hall to express the injustice about this on Monday night.

Gee, how dare a citizen dissents or questions their elected officials, oh my! Funny part is Kermit and Theresa had nothing to do with my decision to move forward on this.

KELO’s story:

Sioux Falls city councilman Greg Jamison says, “The form of government that we have works, people from all different kinds of backgrounds can come together, work together on the council, make decisions and in the end will be the best outcome for the city of Sioux Falls.”

Um, yeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhh, right. That’s why the vote will be split down the middle Monday night between those whose decisions are influenced by the developers and those whose are influenced by the citizens. We will see how you vote Greg.


“It’s a little disheartening. I ran for public office to try and help Sioux Falls and move Sioux Falls forward and do a good thing and this kind of shines a dim light on the work we’re up to.  And it’s a little set back, it’s a little annoying when you see the headlines that are out there because a lot of people don’t read past the headlines but I’m not shakened by this. I’m still confident I’m doing the right thing and that Sioux Falls has a great group of people on the city council and the future is very bright.” – Jamison

It seems some councilors think they are guilty of something, not the case at all, I wanted a clear opinion – that’s it. If Greg wants to blame someone blame himself. I gave him and Bob an opportunity to resolve this internally, instead they pleaded to the media they weren’t guilty of anything.

I did not go to the proceedings today, because I stated my case clearly on the opinion form. This is about the law, and defining it, plain and simple.

Call me crazy, but I expect integrity out of our elected officials. That’s it. I don’t want to have cookies with you, I don’t want to hang out with you, I just want you to do the right thing.

Once again during the informational meeting yesterday some councilors mentioned they had another public input meeting last Saturday, something they are calling Coffee with the council. They were puzzled why no one showed up. Even though the city clerk said the press release did get to the media on Thursday, no one really picked up on in in the media, and the fact that Sidewalk Arts Festival was going on and there was no parking. I have a feeling they want this to fail so they can claim “Everybody seems to be happy about the job we are doing, that’s why no one shows up to these events.” Poppycock. Plenty of people show up, especially lately, to the council meetings for public input, the BEST time to address the council about concerns, in my opinion. Why? Because it is filmed and put on the record, not only what the public has to say but what the councilors answers are. Talking to you over a donut and coffee isn’t really the most effective way to make sure you are proactive. Getting you on the record is.